an absolutely fantastic look at the story behind pluto losing its planetary status. great insights into the scientific community, as well as touching moments about mike brown's family and daughter. simply written, but funny and smart at the same time.
It's rare when a book makes me actually physically react. I cried, I was so tense I was shaking at the end. A delightfully truly f'd up masterpiece.
this was well done for what it is, and also so utterly fucked up that i really struggled to get through it.
stunning. this series is important, relevant to our times, beautifully written and full of black girl magic. the kind of book that gets better, not boring, with rereading.
an incredible scifi world, an amazing protagonist, intense political allegory, beautiful writing, clever asides (the “you get ready to rumble” chapter title, anyone?), and every time you think you need to put it down and stop for a while, another plot bomb that keeps you hooked. possibly the best book I have ever read.
incredibly well written. i noted many a quote or page that struck me as incredibly beautiful and true. sad, but honest, and hard to put down.