Like a great Twilight Zone episode. Very different tone than his Novel or nonfiction.


This book kept me up for more late nights than any other that I've read. However, the first half outshines the second half considerably, and the ending feels very unrealistic. A few days ago I would have recommended this without hesitation; having finished it, I'm not so sure.


Strong beginning, but got pretty bad quickly. Terrible plot holes, leading to a twist that makes a liar out of the narrative.

April 20, 2012
August 26, 2013

This book is very well written in terms of dialogue and character, as well as atmosphere, but I saw the ending coming 1/5 of the way through.


I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Easily my favorite mystery that I've read, but something far more as well. Hart transcends the genre and arrives at literature reminiscent of Harper Lee, Stephen King, and Toni Morrison. Read this NOW!

September 25, 2012

I held on as the plot descended into ridiculousness jus to see how it ended, only to be greeted with a “To be Continued”. Nope.


I started reading this series so that I could discuss the books with my son, but found that they are actually very fun. You can get through one in a night or two, and there are some surprising twists and turns. One of the better children's series I've come across.

February 28, 2012
January 12, 2020
October 2, 2013

Engaging and unpredictable. I deducted a star because the ending didn't pack the punch I expect from a Reacher novel, but maybe that's the point. Reaches seems to evolve a bit in this one, and I'm not sure whether I like that or not.

October 15, 2013

A clever premise and interesting opening, but the tone of the writing feels very removed, which dilutes any sense of suspense or dread.


I saw the movie before I read the book. Loved both, but midway through the novel it goes in a different direction that I preferred. Love Pat as a narrator.


I loved it, then I thought, “Why did my kindle just skip to the acknowledgements?” Be prepared for an abrupt end, but upon reflection, a satisfying one.


This book starts out great, then completely changes... To greater. It's a hard one to review, in that the genius if it lies in plot points they can't be discussed. I want everyone I know to read this, it's that good.

April 4, 2012

This is one of the best novels I've ever read. The ending was perfect.

June 27, 2012