

Eugene Zolotarenko

Joined3 years ago

Front-end Developer at Hardcover | 💛 Tech, Books, and Cars 😉



Location:Wroclaw, Poland


Eugene Zolotarenko's Books by Status

23 Books

See all
Man's Search for Meaning
Super Founders
The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire
Eat That Frog!
Start Small, Stay Small
Company of One
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

Eugene Zolotarenko's Pinned Prompts


11 books

What books do you keep on your coffee table?

Hosting guests? Board games are fun, but have you also considered showcasing a stack of coffee table books? Also known as cocktail table books, these oversized books display art, photography, des...

The Savoy Cocktail Book
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
The Untethered Soul
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
That Cheese Plate Will Change Your Life
Book of Bunny Suicides
History of Information Graphics
The illuminatus! trilogy
Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
Change your thoughts, change your life

Featured Prompt

21 books

What are the best books to read in your 20s?

You're out of school and starting your own life in whatever shape that takes. What books are essential reading for someone entering this stage of life to be successful in life? This could mean non-...

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245 books

What were your favorite childhood books?

Books read in your formative years can shape the person you become just as much as parents, teachers and friends. What were some of the books that you remember most from your childhood years?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Hobbit
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Secret Garden
The Little Prince
Ender's Game
The Giver
The Phantom Tollbooth
A Wrinkle in Time
Artemis Fowl