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55 books

What are your favorite book recommendations for new readers?

New readers often struggle to find books that they connect with. It often takes exploring different genres and writing styles from a many points of views to understand your own tastes. If you've ma...

The Hunger Games
The Lightning Thief
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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52 books

Which books had characters you resonated with the most?

Memorable characters can leave an impression as long as the story or plot. What characters stand out to you the most? These could be characters who you were able to identify with, ones that inspire...

The Knife of Never Letting Go
Anne of Green Gables

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53 books

Which books had the best film adaptations?

A great movie can lead to even more readers of the source material. What are some books you read that had movies that you enjoyed the most.


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256 books

What were your favorite childhood books?

Books read in your formative years can shape the person you become just as much as parents, teachers and friends. What were some of the books that you remember most from your childhood years?

The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell