
She lost me when she disparaged Elton John.

October 15, 2021
March 4, 2022

It's fun reading a writer you love wax lyrical about a writer they love.

May 5, 2023
November 24, 2021
October 1, 2024
October 17, 2023

Did you know Marx didn't technically come up with a specific way to do “Marxism”? All he did was show the flaws in Capitalism and voice some general thoughts on how a system designed to avoid those flaws might look.

Thats a fun fact, true Comrades?

January 13, 2020
September 2, 2023
September 1, 2023

Didn't feel like it achieved the feeling of being both individually great with each story as well as a unified brilliant sum of the parts like Brief Interviews With Hideous Men (the only other short story collection of his I've read) but still a treat.

Good Old Neon is a masterpiece.

January 2, 2022
August 1, 2023
May 15, 2017
December 14, 2023

I dread the day I pay a visit to Jeeves and Wooster and it is anything less than exemplary.

Today was not that day.


Hands down the funniest writing I've ever had the pleasure of reading.


Brett Easton Ellis perfectly capturing a moment and place and people - drug addled college students and their empty experience of love and sex.

Great use of subjective narratives, seeing the same event from different viewpoints adds a lot of depth and hilarity to the situation.

November 9, 2020

The epitome of farce written with the kind of eloquent skill which leaves you slackjawed.

A delight, pure and simple. Something to snuggle into and enjoy every brilliant sentence.

July 3, 2023
December 22, 2020
January 2, 2024

You won me over making Bean the smartest person in the world and Greek but then lost me with Achilles being so much better at manipulating the world than (almost) every Battle School graduate.

The weakest of the original quartet and this series so far, hoping it picks up in the next one.


A great example of how much you can get out of retelling of a story from a different angle.

Lacks the more philosophical stylings of the later Ender books but an entertaining page-turner that sets things up well for the rest of the series.

August 22, 2020
September 28, 2023

A lot of people loved this book but for me I had too many issues with the plot and characters.

The descriptions of the various circus tents are cool though. Which is good because there are a lot of tents throughout this book and they are very relevant to the story.

September 29, 2019