Added to listbooks referenced in other bookswith 16 books.
Added to listbooks referenced in other bookswith 11 books.
Added to listbooks referenced in other bookswith 10 books.
Added to listbooks referenced in other bookswith 9 books.
Added to listbooks referenced in other bookswith 3 books.
Added to listbooks referenced in other bookswith 1 book.
Added to listtrans fem authorwith 9 books.
Added to listComicswith 68 books.
Added to list2024with 23 books.
Added to list2024with 22 books.
Added to listEuropean fiction in translationwith 12 books.
Added to listControversial or transgressivewith 55 books.
Added to listAsian fiction in translationwith 15 books.
Added to listEvery Book Banned in Texaswith 528 books.
Added to listYoung Adultwith 206 books.