
Classics Worth the Hype

Maybe a teacher assigned these books or perhaps you heard it through the grapevine... either way, the books in this list left a lasting impression.


ByGeorge Orwell

1949 • 5,782 Readers • 328 pages 4.2

Brave New World

Brave New World
ByAldous Huxley

1930 • 3,027 Readers • 332 pages 3.9

Ella Minnow Pea

Ella Minnow Pea
ByMark Dunn

2001 • 222 Readers • 170 pages 4.1

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

#2 of 4 in Adventures of Tom and Huck

1876 • 1,283 Readers • 327 pages 3.6

The Bluest Eye

The Bluest Eye
ByToni Morrison

1970 • 541 Readers • 216 pages 4

The Complete Maus

The Complete Maus
ByArt Spiegelman

1994 • 673 Readers • 295 pages 4.7

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby
ByF. Scott Fitzgerald

1920 • 3,238 Readers • 180 pages 3.7

The Perks of Being a Wallflower YA edition

2013 • 15 Readers • 240 pages 4.6

The Postman Always Rings Twice

1934 • 112 Readers • 128 pages 3.7

The Road

The Road
ByCormac McCarthy

1974 • 1,963 Readers • 287 pages 4

The Scarlet Letter and Other Writings

1850 • 782 Readers • 443 pages 3.1