4✨ so fun & relatable! find my full thoughts in this reading vlog

June 14, 2020

3.5✨ my full thoughts can be found in my latest reading vlog about hyped romances

September 11, 2020
September 16, 2022
March 30, 2022

the parallels drawn to another literary work cheapened the plot and the gritty reality of the story for me. i also went in thinking this would be a quick but impactful read, however it took a while to push through. this is an extremely heavy book!! it is NOT a thriller like it is marketed as. 

February 10, 2022
March 31, 2022

one part Pretty Girls, one part Behind Closed Doors, overarching feminist themes + a not-so-ambiguous ending? yep. this is a perfect thriller.

November 22, 2020
December 22, 2020

4.5✨ one of my fave romances i've read this year! my full thoughts can be found in my latest reading vlog about hyped romances on booktube

September 6, 2020

5✨ i read 5 thrillers in 5 days. find my full thoughts in this reading vlog >> https://youtu.be/KPBa2jmQKTs

May 11, 2020

if the ending wasn't so abrupt i think this could have been a 5 star :/

August 12, 2022

the twist at the end shocked the hell out of me but it would've hit even harder if i actually cared about the characters 😬

March 24, 2022

slayed if the vmas were a funeral

February 3, 2022

5✨ i'm a karin slaughter stan. find my full thoughts in this reading vlog >> https://youtu.be/O1cBuAoUMS0

August 28, 2020
October 28, 2021

5✨ find my full thoughts in my romaceathon vlog >> https://youtu.be/rNWnJkqULn4

June 23, 2020

4.5✨ find my full thoughts in my latest reading vlog

August 12, 2020


January 6, 2021

i know this is an unpopular opinion but i really enjoyed this book! sometimes you just need a cozy and slightly predictable mystery. i was thoroughly entertained by the morally gray characters and atmospheric setting! 4 stars ⭐️

October 4, 2020

in retrospect, colleen should not have given in to us demanding more parts. the happy ending made it a bit cliche and the epilogue was so cheesy. BUT i love this story and these characters so much that i still had a great time!

September 29, 2021

4.5✨ my full thoughts can be found in this reading vlog https://youtu.be/O1cBuAoUMS0

August 29, 2020

5✨ find my full thoughts in my romaceathon vlog >> https://youtu.be/rNWnJkqULn4

June 27, 2020

it was an emotional rollercoaster throughout + packed a punch of an ending that brought that darkness i wanted

February 24, 2022
October 26, 2020