This is so freaking cute! I love this book so much! It made me feel all the FEELS! I laughed, I cried and I enjoyed it a lot. A friends to lovers perfection with a slow burn romance. An easy 5 star read for me!
what rebecca goes through, i wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. this is horrifying, vile and twisted.
I liked the characters, the children's friendship, the plot and the concept of this book. This is almost perfect for me but the reason why I'm only giving this 3.5 stars is because I felt like the second half of the book dragged on a little bit and there are less TK and TP moments than what I expected. I also didn't know what the purpose of the lisping man in the story. I get that he's the boss or something but it failed to convince me and it seems like he's just there to make fun of his lisp. Despite that, I still enjoyed reading this.
I was bored and confused. Perhaps the poetic writing style wasn't for me. I might reread this in the future to give it another chance because I can totally see the potential of this book to be a 4 or a 5 star read.
This is a very interesting take on the Beauty and the Beast retelling, with a not so perfect main character, a very lonely yet deadly love interest and a guardsman that is always loyal to the throne. The plot of this book is refreshing to me since I don't really read retellings that much but I ended up enjoying it. The characters were great and I liked how each of them were developed as the story progressed. I also liked how the relationship between Harper and Rhen is done because it didn't push her to love him right away which I thought is realistic. The reason why I only gave this 4 stars because the pacing is a little bit slow for me that it made me bored at some time. I also didn't buy Harper's trust towards Rhen and Grey in the very first part of the book because I thought that its ridiculous and it seems like stockholm syndrome to me. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed it and I will surely pick up the sequel when it comes out because of the ending.
Damn! I freaking adored this book! This is pitched as Mulan meets Project Runway but it also involves magic, so what else could you ask for? The plot is very captivating filled with endless action, the writing is so beautifully written, the world, the culture and the adventures in this book are exceptional. The characters are all amazing and I love Maia and Edan so much! I will definitely continue on with this series and I can't wait for the next book to come out! Also, can we appreciate the cover of this book because that's a beauty.
An atmospheric and entertaining sequel to Small Spaces, Dead Voices still follows the trio, Ollie, Coco and Brian, where they went into a newly opened ski lodge as they embark to another spooky adventure. I liked how clever this book was and its pretty creepy for a middle grade book. I also loved how Coco's character was developed starting off as being scared to being brave and determined. However, I thought that the storyline is kind of cliche/unoriginal and the twists are also predictable. I'm also hoping to see more of Brian in the next book because we didn't get much of him in this. But I still enjoyed it nonetheless and I'm now truly convinced to continue on with the series.
“She didn't know everything. And she didn't need to know everything. Maybe it was better if she never knew why the Crisis started, where the Cough came from, why there were weird monsters coming out of people's bodies.”
B-but I want to know? Everything about this book is almost perfect but the ending ruined it for me. It seemed like lazy writing to me because there are still many questions left unanswered. I wish there will be a sequel for us to learn more about the sickness and why the government did it.
I only read this book because of the Timothée Chalamet puppet on The Tonight Show, and I don't know what you'll get from that kind of information, but I also went into this with low expectations. The premise of this book didn't really get to me for some reason but when I started reading the book, it left me intrigued and captivated. The characters really sucked me into the story, especially, the main character who will do everything just to get her daughter back. The first part of the book was indeed very fun and exciting. However, in the second part, the story dragged on and the pacing became inconsistent. The “reveal” was not really shocking to me, in fact, it became so obvious which led it to an anticlimactic ending. In spite of that, I still really enjoyed this book.
I have very high expectations in this book! The premise is very interesting, the writing style is simple yet so beautifully written, it has sapphic romance and the cover is pure art. And yet, I still find it lacking. I was expecting it to be creepy like how everybody made it out to be but the nightmares never came to eat me alive. Also, I didn't quite like how the ending went and it even made me more confused. It left me with so many unanswered questions and there was no explaination or whatsoever on how or why did the Tox happen or where does it come from, which made it kind of hard for me to connect with the story. However, I still enjoyed it and its fresh and a new take to the horror genre.
I have high expectations going into this book since it received a lot of hype this year. This is also my very first Ruth Ware book and I had heard mixed reviews about her works but I was still so excited to read this.
The Turn of the Key, follows a nanny named Rowan where she applied to be a live in nanny to four children in a rich family. She moves in with this family in a high-tech house that has surveillance in every room, has voice activated appliances and everything else mostly works in a touch of a button. But then, she has been accused of murdering one of the children.
I thought that the premise of this book is very interesting which made me intrigued right from the start. I liked the writing in this book because it's written as a letter and it's easy to get into. The atmosphere is so well done that I can clearly imagine the setting right in my head. However, this story fell a little bit flat for me. It made me feel all the tension in the beginning, it dragged on in the middle and when it got to the ending, the tension and the build up of the story was just gone. Basically, it didn't deliver what I was expecting to happen and it also felt rushed. And the twist... oh the twist. As much as it pains me to say, the twist is so lame. It's so underwhelming that I didn't even flinch. Instead, I just rolled my eyes and stared into nothing for a couple of minutes. I also didn't like the characters that much because I thought that there's no depth to them.
I can see the potential of it being a good mystery/thriller book but it is poorly executed and I feel so bad because I really want to love this. Nevertheless, this is not the worst thing that I've ever read but it is definitely disappointing.
This is an impactful and a very important read. I love this so much and one of the reasons is because I'm very much familiar and can relate to a lot of things mentioned in this book. I can also fully understand the topic of the story and it hits close to home. It saddens me that even the story of Jun is fictional, the thing that caused his death is not, and a lot of victims and their families suffered the same way. This is an absolute eye opener on how the war on drugs in the Philippines is not a solution, but rather a fuel added to the fire.
Oh my gosh! THIS IS SO FREAKING GOOD! Its gripping, intense, suspenseful and it scared the hell out of me. For some reason, this gave me a similar vibe with the movie entitled, The Boy. What I absolutely love about this book is the different timelines which I thought the author have done such a good job. The writing is right up my alley and I dig it real hard. The twist literally gave me the chills and I've never have called it. I also found myself rooting for the main character the whole time even though she makes stupid decisions. The ending was so epic and I'm just satisfied on where and how it went. This is my first Riley Sager book and might as well check on his other works because I really love this one!
i don't get the hype on this one. the writing is so dull and the plot and the characters are all uninteresting to me. i listened to this via audio while reading to help me get through it, but the narrator is so monotonous that it actually ruined my reading experience. i really wanted to like this, but sadly, i will not be continuing with the series because this is just disappointing.
I decided to read this again after watching a Manben episode with Junji Ito, specifically drawing this short comic. Now, I love Layers of Fear even more.
This took me a while to read and it's not even a long book. It is whimsical and sad at the same time. Also, I find some things lacking in terms of the plot and the exploration of the side characters mentioned but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
I'm glad I picked this up because it's so much better than The Sweetest Oblivion! I love christiangianna so much!
This one is a very compelling read. It kept me very intrigued from the start until the end. The writing style and the pacing is what I liked the most. And the twist? I didn't see that coming, but for me, I think that it wasn't THAT shocking, because there were so many parts in the book that made it so obvious. But still, its a pretty solid read.
Honestly, I didn't get the hype of it at all. Its all about gig shows, road tours, sex, drugs, a lot of song writing that I'm not even interested in and a lot of fake deep stuff. The characters were so bland and boring. Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne... I just can't stand them, individually. Although, I find the interview format to be interesting, but for me, it hindered the storyline to be fleshed out well. Overall, I thought that this book is underwhelming and so overhyped.