
Pulitzer Prize-winning History

This list contains Pulitzer Prize-winning distinguished and appropriately documented book on American history from 1917 to 2021. The Pulitzer Prizes and Fellowships were established in Columbia University by Joseph Pulitzer. Prizes are awarded by the University on the recommendation of The Pulitzer Prize Board and are announced in Spring. Nominees are organized into 22 categories across journalism, books, drama and music.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
ByCarl Sandburg

1939 • 7 Readers • 655 pages

Cover 0

1 Reader

Across the Wide Missouri

#1 of 2 in Trilogy of the West

Across the Wide Missouri
ByBernard DeVoto

1947 • 1 Reader • 476 pages

A History of American Magazines, Vol. 1: 1741-1850

1930 • 1 Reader • 934 pages

Cover 0

1968 • 1 Reader

Cover 1

1925 • 1 Reader

American Education, The National Experience, 1783-1876

#2 of 1 in American Education

1980 • 2 Readers • 607 pages

A Midwife's Tale

A Midwife's Tale
ByLaurel Thatcher Ulrich

1990 • 12 Readers • 444 pages 4.3

An Army at Dawn

#1 of 3 in World War II Liberation Trilogy

An Army at Dawn
ByRick Atkinson

2002 • 44 Readers • 681 pages 4.4

A Nation Under Our Feet

2003 • 5 Readers • 624 pages

Cover 8

Art and Life in America
ByOliver W. Larkin

1 Reader

A Stillness at Appomattox

#3 of 3 in Army of the Potomac

1951 • 6 Readers • 438 pages 4

Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil War

1957 • 1 Reader • 784 pages

Battle Cry of Freedom

#4 of 10 in The Oxford History of the United States

Battle Cry of Freedom
ByJames M. McPherson

1984 • 89 Readers • 867 pages 4.5

Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery

1979 • 3 Readers • 672 pages

Cover 0

1960 • 1 Reader • 367 pages

Blood in the Water

Blood in the Water
ByHeather Ann Thompson

2016 • 38 Readers • 752 pages 4.6

Culture and Political Change

Culture and Political Change
ByMyron J. Aronoff(Editor)

1983 • 1 Reader • 224 pages

Custer's Trials

Custer's Trials
ByT. J. Stiles

2016 • 640 pages

Embers of War

Embers of War
ByFredrik Logevall

2012 • 3 Readers • 864 pages

Encounters at the Heart of the World

2014 • 456 pages

Exploration and Empire

Fred H. and Ella Mae Moore Texas History Reprint Series

Exploration and Empire
ByWilliam H. Goetzmann

1966 • 1 Reader • 702 pages

Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

2000 • 71 Readers • 306 pages 3.9


ByMarcia Chatelain

2020 • 11 Readers • 336 pages 3

Frederick Douglass Prophet of Freedom

2018 • 83 Readers • 912 pages 4.2

Freedom from Fear

#7 of 10 in The Oxford History of the United States

Freedom from Fear
ByDavid M. Kennedy

1999 • 12 Readers • 960 pages 4.5


ByEdwin G. Burrows,Mike Wallace

23 Readers 4.3

Great River

Great River
ByPaul Horgan

1954 • 1 Reader • 1,020 pages

History of the Civil War, 1861-1865

1918 • 528 pages

In Our Image

In Our Image
ByStanley Karnow

1989 • 3 Readers • 494 pages

In the Days of McKinley

In the Days of McKinley
ByMargaret Leech

1959 • 1 Reader • 686 pages

Jefferson and the Rights of Man, 2

#2 of 2 in Jefferson and His Time

1951 • 523 pages

Lords of Finance

Lords of Finance
ByLiaquat Ahamed

2009 • 42 Readers • 564 pages 4.4

Cover 0

2011 • 1 Reader • 446 pages

Malcolm X

Malcolm X
ByManning Marable

2011 • 21 Readers • 608 pages 4.2

Mary Chesnut's Civil War

Mary Chesnut's Civil War
ByMary Boykin Chesnut

1981 • 2 Readers • 892 pages

Mighty Max Escapes From Skull Dungeon

1994 • 24 pages

Cover 3

My Experiences in the World War
ByJohn Joseph Pershing

1931 • 1 Reader

Neither Black Nor White

Neither Black Nor White
ByCarl N. Degler

1971 • 1 Reader • 302 pages

No Ordinary Time

No Ordinary Time
ByDoris Kearns Goodwin

1994 • 21 Readers • 633 pages 4.5

Original Meanings

Original Meanings
ByJack N. Rakove

1996 • 1 Reader • 439 pages

Origins of the Fifth Amendment: The Right Against Self-Incrimination

1971 • 1 Reader • 576 pages

Parting the Waters

#1 of 3 in America in the King Years

Parting the Waters
ByTaylor Branch

1988 • 21 Readers • 1,134 pages 5

Paul Revere and the World He Lived In

1942 • 4 Readers • 536 pages

People of Paradox

People of Paradox
ByMichael Kammen

1972 • 1 Reader • 368 pages

Pinckney's Treaty; America's Advantage From Europe's Distress, 1783 1800

1973 • 1 Reader • 372 pages


ByDavid M. Oshinsky

2005 • 17 Readers • 352 pages 3.5

Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department

1969 • 6 Readers • 848 pages

Prophets of Regulation

Prophets of Regulation
ByThomas K. McCraw

1986 • 1 Reader • 416 pages

Reveille in Washington, 1860-65

1941 • 2 Readers • 524 pages


#1 of 2 in Roosevelt

ByJames MacGregor Burns

1956 • 2 Readers • 592 pages

Scientists Against Time

Scientists Against Time
ByJames Phinney Baxter III

1968 • 2 Readers • 498 pages

Soviet-American Relations, Vol. 1: Russia Leaves the War, 1917-1920

#1 of 1 in Soviet-American Relations

1956 • 2 Readers • 576 pages

Summer of the Gods

Summer of the Gods
ByEdward J Larson


Sweet Taste of Liberty

Sweet Taste of Liberty
ByW. Caleb McDaniel

4 Readers 4

Cover 4

The Age of Jackson
ByArthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

1946 • 2 Readers • 576 pages

Cover 1

1899 • 1 Reader • 220 pages

The Americans

#3 of 1 in The Americans

The Americans
ByDaniel J. Boorstin

1973 • 4 Readers • 733 pages

The Atlantic Migration 1607-1860

1940 • 1 Reader • 428 pages

The Centuries of Santa Fe

1976 • 363 pages

The Colonial Period of American History: The Settlements, Volume I

1934 • 1 Reader • 572 pages

Cover 8

The Coming Of The War, 1914
ByBernadotte E. Schmitt

1980 • 1 Reader • 566 pages

Cover 0

1948 • 1 Reader • 612 pages

The Dred Scott Case

The Dred Scott Case
ByDon E. Fehrenbacher

1978 • 1 Reader • 768 pages

The Era of Good Feelings

The Era of Good Feelings
ByGeorge Dangerfield

1952 • 1 Reader • 540 pages

The Fate of Liberty

The Fate of Liberty
ByMark E. Neely Jr.

1991 • 1 Reader • 304 pages

Cover 3

1941 • 2 Readers • 550 pages

The Founding of New England

The Founding of New England
ByJames Truslow Adams

1921 • 1 Reader • 528 pages

The Founding of the American Republic: The Causes of War of Independence

#1 of 1 in The Founding of the American Republic

1940 • 1 Reader • 512 pages

The Greenback Era

The Greenback Era
ByIrwin Unger

1899 • 1 Reader • 488 pages

The Gulf

The Gulf
ByJack Emerson Davis

2017 • 7 Readers • 608 pages 5

The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family

2008 • 22 Readers • 798 pages 4.3

The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

1967 • 10 Readers • 351 pages 3

The Impending Crisis: America Before the Civil War, 1848-1861

The New American Nation Series

1976 • 10 Readers • 667 pages 4

The Internal Enemy

The Internal Enemy
ByTaylor, Alan

2014 • 1 Reader • 624 pages 3

The Launching of Modern American Science 1846-1876

1987 • 1 Reader • 446 pages

The Life of the Mind in America

1965 • 3 Readers • 300 pages

The Metaphysical Club

The Metaphysical Club
ByLouis Menand

2002 • 2 Readers • 569 pages 3

The Old Northwest Pioneer Period: 1815-1840

1983 • 1 Reader • 672 pages

Cover 1

The People's Choice
ByHerbert Agar

1969 • 1 Reader • 376 pages

The Race Beat

The Race Beat
ByGene Roberts,Hank Klibanoff

2006 • 5 Readers • 528 pages 3

The Radicalism of the American Revolution

1992 • 14 Readers • 447 pages

The Republican Era

The Republican Era
ByLeonard D. White,Jean Schneider

1958 • 1 Reader • 406 pages

Cover 5

1937 • 1 Reader • 332 pages

Cover 5

1920 • 2 Readers

The Supreme Court in United States History: Volume One: 1789-1821

1926 • 1 Reader • 572 pages

The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790

1982 • 2 Readers • 451 pages

Cover 2

The Triumphant Empire
ByLawrence Henry Gipson

1965 • 1 Reader

The Uprooted

The Uprooted
ByOscar Handlin

1951 • 1 Reader • 344 pages

Cover 7

The victory at sea
ByWilliam Sowden Sims

1920 • 1 Reader • 410 pages

The Visible Hand

The Visible Hand
ByAlfred D. Chandler Jr.

1977 • 4 Readers • 624 pages 3

Cover 7

The war with Mexico
ByJustin Harvey Smith

2011 • 1 Reader

This Fiery Trial

This Fiery Trial
ByAbraham Lincoln(Editor)

1979 • 16 Readers • 256 pages

Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business
ByStephen Bonsal

1945 • 1 Reader • 328 pages

Voyagers to the West

Voyagers to the West
ByBernard Bailyn

1986 • 4 Readers • 720 pages

Washington's crossing

Pivotal Moments in American History

Washington's crossing
ByDavid Hackett Fischer

2003 • 17 Readers • 823 pages 4

Cover 8

#1 of 1 in Washington

Washington, Village and Capital, 1800-1878
ByConstance McLaughlin Green

2011 • 1 Reader • 68 pages