
Nonfic Faves

Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience

2021 • 218 Readers • 337 pages 4.4

Cover 8

Bird by Bird
ByAnne Lamott

8 Readers 4.5


ByEmily Nagoski,Amelia Nagoski

2019 • 155 Readers • 277 pages 4

Ida B. the Queen

Ida B. the Queen
ByMichelle Duster

2021 • 8 Readers • 176 pages 4

Steal Like an Artist

Steal Like an Artist
ByAustin Kleon

2012 • 360 Readers • 160 pages 4.2

The Body Keeps the Score

The Body Keeps the Score
ByBessel van der Kolk

2014 • 639 Readers • 466 pages 4.3

The Oregon Trail: A New American Journey

2015 • 29 Readers • 496 pages 3.8

The power of habit why we do what we do and how to change it

2012 • 716 Readers • 402 pages 4.1

There Is No Good Card for This

There Is No Good Card for This
ByKelsey Crowe,Emily McDowell

2017 • 16 Readers • 272 pages 3.7