74 Books
See allбагато слів можна було б сказати про цю прекрасну книгу, яку я вже втретє перечитую, та головне це те, що з кожним разом вона не втрачає свого шарму. я не втратила кохання до кожного персонажа, їхніх любовних стосунків, навпаки, почала помічати цікаві, дорогоцінні моменти їхньої дружби. велика подяка пані Бардуґо за цей всесвіт та цих героїв<3 жодних плакальників, жодних погребінь!
it was realy hard to start this book. but honestly it was worth starting. the story, no THE STORY. like omg this twists and turns was very VERY good, i was reading it through screams!!! also i liked characters sooooo much. alex stern is my girl, she is so badass, best girl for real. darlington really slayed, this boy!!!! i like smart boys so i liked him too. waiting for the next!! leight bardugo 2nd book in 2022 PLEASE
i waited for so long to read this book and.........i was amazed. this is one of the best books i've ever read. the way chloe gong describes everything starting with the shanghai and to the characters is adorable. the plot was good and interesting but the main thing that i fell in love with was characters. jullitte and roma, benedict and marshall, catlyn i love them all so much. the romance was chef kiss. like how they was so comfortable with each other and protect one another.....i can't handle it. i didn't expect that i could like the romeo and julliette kind of thing but i did and now all i need is the second book