I listened to the audiobook, read by the author in his (and my) own dialect. I enjoyed the feeling of recognizing the places where the story unfolds, but it's the characters that make up this story. The timeline only spans a couple of days, so it's not fast-paced, nor action filled. But the length of this book enables a lot of exploration of the background and personalities of the main characters. For me, that made me care about what happens to them and makes a slow story into an interesting read. Looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
A great short audiobook with a flawless narration. Lasting only 1h45m (with authors comments at the end), it didn't get boring or drawn out.
Denne ble vanskelig lesing, tross veldig lite innhold, både i antall sider og antall ord på hver side. Man bør nok være godt vant med nynorsk, da det som skrives er langt fra klartekst, verken ord eller sammenheng. Jeg er nok utenfor målgruppen, så denne helt sikkert være bra for andre.
Denne fungerte ikke for meg da jeg ikke fikk sympati for personene i boken - om noe, ble det motsatt for forfatteren.
Da jeg skrev dette innleggget, ville jeg sjekke litt rundt Marit og om det fantes noe mer informasjon om hvordan det hadde gått - og det gjør det, i boken “Hekta” av Lise Askvik:
Utgivelsesår 2009
Marit ble en av Oslos tyngste rusmisbrukere da heroin kom på markedet i 1977. Hun klarte til slutt med ukuelig vilje og støtte fra mannen hun hadde møtt på gata, å komme seg ut av rusen. Så gav mannen hennes ut en bok om hennes liv. Marit maktet ikke stoppe utgivelsen. Etter en konfliktfull skilsmisse raste hun ut på heroinkjøret igjen. Her forteller Marit om sitt liv med og uten rus.
Marit fikk sitt brutale liv som narkoman blottlagt i en bestselger - skrevet av hennes egen kjæreste. Han var også mannen som hjalp henne ut av misbruket og ble far til hennes to barn. Etter en bitter skilsmisse vant tobarnsmoren omsorgsrett til de små, allikevel raste hun utpå heroinkjøret igjen. Nå kommer Marits egen historie og oppgjøret med både forfatteren, samfunnet og seg selv. “Jeg er 49 nå og lever 13 år på overtid for slike som meg,” skriver Marit i sin dagbok. Kjærlighet, selvpåførte tragedier, håp og brutale svik er gjennomgangstonen i hennes liv. Her er hennes egen beske, men også rørende historie. “Kjør meg til Slottsparken” om Marits kamp ut av narkomisbruket, ble en bestselger da den kom ut i 1985.
The story started oddly, but was soon engrossing, often funny. Unfortunately, it went downhill, not boring, but the wit and humor was farther apart. It kept me going to the end, but what started as four to five stars, ended with barely three. I think thid kind of story would have appealed more in my teens. The narrator did a good job.
Merged review:
The story started oddly, but was soon engrossing, often funny. Unfortunately, it went downhill, not boring, but the wit and humor was farther apart. It kept me going to the end, but what started as four to five stars, ended with barely three. I think thid kind of story would have appealed more in my teens. The narrator did a good job.
This was a difficult book to rate, I landed on 3.5 rounding down. The first part was OK, the middle got boring, and the last part was good (but not great). I wished I could have cared more for the main character. The audiobook length is 8 hours, and I think the narrator did a great job.
3.5 stars, rounding down. The story was interesting, and I liked the writing style. The narrator however (Amy Landon), was very monotone and did not bring much life to the characters (and the voice for the male characters was painful to listen to).
I really liked the first part of this book as it was witty and engaging. The second half was OK, but the humor wasn't there anymore.
For me, this was a gateway to search for ways to cope with the very uneasy feelings you are left with after reading this book, thus making it a extremely valuable text in that regard.
A very interesting read, and entertaining as well. The last third or so, was not as interesting and lowered the total rating for me. But I would still recommend it to anyone who's curious about the subject!
This is a story I actually hadn't heard about before discovering this book, how is that possible? I liked the simple style of this book, where the author also adds an explanation to some of the terms used, some more useful than others. It was short enough to not feel dragged out, while still building up the story and also going into the aftermath and summarizing nicely. The audio book is 2 hours and 51 minutes, easily digested in an afternoon.
3.5 rounding up. A very interesting story, but I wouldn't categorize it as a thriller, although a bit twisted. The audiobook narration is very good, with a length of 10 hours.
A depressing, uplifting and absolutely fascinating book. I would recommend it to anyone.
A great book about an even greater discovery in science, would recommend it to anyone! It is a tad long and some of the detailed science is a bit hard to grasp, but the main points are easy to understand.
Heard the audiobook, which was great, with different narrators for each character. This made it easier to imagine how the characters acted and thought. The author manage to keep the story interesting throughout, by connecting the dots across the different interviews. Not perfect or too realistic, but absolutely entertaining. I would love for this to made into a TV show or a movie!
As with any book of this type, it's difficult to rate it immediately after completing it. But this book, regardless of how true the content is, was a very enjoyable and thought-provoking read. The title may invite some type of readers, and fend off others. But I would still recommend this to anyone, as it's both humorous and deep, but preventing one from falling asleep while reading it.
The narrator for the audiobook was great, and the length wasn't intimidating. Easily five stars from me.
Currently the most interesting read of 2018, and quite possibly, of all times. I would recommend it to anyone as it didn't feel skewed to a political side, even if there is a lot of politics discussed. Audiobook is 11 hours and 21 minutes long.
This was, for me, a great introduction to human evolution and history. I see many comments about the accuracy of different parts of this book, and how it's too basic for people who know a lot about this subject. That may be, but for me, it was still a valuable resource for learning things which I perhaps should have already known, and it made boring subjects bearable. I find that to be a major quality, and thus ranks it high.
3.5 stars rounding down. Weirdly enough, I preferred the first half of this book, before the action started. The characters were interesting, and the exploration rig as the location worked really well.
Unfortunately for me, it was hard to believe in the liquid monster, and therefore I kind of lost interest and just wanted to get the book over with at the end.
This was a well written book, but quite boring and uneventful. I liked that the audio book had three narrators, one for each main character. It could easily be heard at 1.5 speed, thus reducing the length from approximately 11 hours, down to 7, which made it possible to get through it.
Audio book, 9 hours, perfectly narrated by Jeff Woodman. This was an amazingly captivating story about transformation and self discovery. I cared for the main characters, and the story was neither too short or too long.
Merged review:
Audio book, 9 hours, perfectly narrated by Jeff Woodman. This was an amazingly captivating story about transformation and self discovery. I cared for the main characters, and the story was neither too short or too long.
Learning that there was a book before the movie, I of course had to read it. And it easily surpassed the movie (which I had to see again after the book), being that much darker and deeper (although not a very deep story in itself).
This was exactly as promised, a greatly written entertaining story that kept me interested throughout. It's easy to dismiss a book about a “monster shark” as ridiculous, but I found it to be as good as Jaws (where I'm in a minority that prefers the book over the movie). Of course, there are some less than believable scenes in this book, but that's to be expected. The audiobook is ~8.5 hours, pleasantly narrated by the author.
This was a very interesting read, though I was skeptical at first if the topic could warrant over 250 pages. It absolutely could, and it was interesting throughout the whole book. The content was easy to understand and very believable, I would recommend it to anyone.