October 13, 2018

A great short audiobook with a flawless narration. Lasting only 1h45m (with authors comments at the end), it didn't get boring or drawn out.

September 23, 2018

Denne ble vanskelig lesing, tross veldig lite innhold, både i antall sider og antall ord på hver side. Man bør nok være godt vant med nynorsk, da det som skrives er langt fra klartekst, verken ord eller sammenheng. Jeg er nok utenfor målgruppen, så denne helt sikkert være bra for andre.

November 17, 2018
June 2, 2019
September 20, 2018

This was a difficult book to rate, I landed on 3.5 rounding down. The first part was OK, the middle got boring, and the last part was good (but not great). I wished I could have cared more for the main character. The audiobook length is 8 hours, and I think the narrator did a great job.

October 7, 2018

3.5 stars, rounding down. The story was interesting, and I liked the writing style. The narrator however (Amy Landon), was very monotone and did not bring much life to the characters (and the voice for the male characters was painful to listen to).

September 11, 2018

I really liked the first part of this book as it was witty and engaging. The second half was OK, but the humor wasn't there anymore.

May 25, 2018

For me, this was a gateway to search for ways to cope with the very uneasy feelings you are left with after reading this book, thus making it a extremely valuable text in that regard.

August 14, 2023

A very interesting read, and entertaining as well. The last third or so, was not as interesting and lowered the total rating for me. But I would still recommend it to anyone who's curious about the subject!

June 11, 2018
September 12, 2018

3.5 rounding up. A very interesting story, but I wouldn't categorize it as a thriller, although a bit twisted. The audiobook narration is very good, with a length of 10 hours.

September 23, 2018

A depressing, uplifting and absolutely fascinating book. I would recommend it to anyone.

September 3, 2018

A great book about an even greater discovery in science, would recommend it to anyone! It is a tad long and some of the detailed science is a bit hard to grasp, but the main points are easy to understand.

August 22, 2018
September 30, 2018

Currently the most interesting read of 2018, and quite possibly, of all times. I would recommend it to anyone as it didn't feel skewed to a political side, even if there is a lot of politics discussed. Audiobook is 11 hours and 21 minutes long.

October 28, 2018
November 18, 2018
September 27, 2018

This was a well written book, but quite boring and uneventful. I liked that the audio book had three narrators, one for each main character. It could easily be heard at 1.5 speed, thus reducing the length from approximately 11 hours, down to 7, which made it possible to get through it.

September 5, 2018
September 6, 2018

Learning that there was a book before the movie, I of course had to read it. And it easily surpassed the movie (which I had to see again after the book), being that much darker and deeper (although not a very deep story in itself).

June 21, 2018
September 15, 2018

This was a very interesting read, though I was skeptical at first if the topic could warrant over 250 pages. It absolutely could, and it was interesting throughout the whole book. The content was easy to understand and very believable, I would recommend it to anyone.

December 2, 2018