January 21, 2019
December 16, 2013

One of the more comprehensible textbooks I've ever read. I haven't experienced other introductory quantum books, but this is not a bad place to start.

August 7, 2014

No. Too terse. This is a terrible introduction to model theory. I don't know what to recommend, but it's not this.

December 16, 2014

Quick, useful read.

July 16, 2015
March 28, 2018

You'll learn way more more about spaceships by playing Kerbal Space Program than reading this drivel.

April 8, 2019
January 31, 2019

Chicken soup for the soul. This book is less good than the other Vinyl Cafe books I've read, mostly because these are his more famous stories. If you've heard any on the radio, they're likely to be these.

October 20, 2019

Free-Market Governments: The Book. If you're already deep into economics you won't find much here. If you're not, it's a short read talking about what would happen if we got rid of geospatial-based governments and instead went to a sort-of guild system. Not bad, but not worth writing home about.

December 26, 2018
March 7, 2019
December 3, 2018
July 11, 2020
December 12, 2018

This one is more fun than the first! I don't really remember it, but it was solid before-bed reading.

November 14, 2019

This stuff is true chicken soup for the soul. The stories are fun and feel-good, and it's a nice change of pace for a homesick Canadian.

October 3, 2019
September 24, 2019
February 17, 2022
September 1, 2019
March 15, 2019
December 2, 2019

DNF. Bush is probably a fascinating person but his writing is dull and rambling.

December 5, 2022

DNF. Whatever.

December 5, 2022

I gave up after a few chapters of being bored by blue-collar fishermen robots talking about inane shit. Nothing about it felt like they were robots, other than the prose reminded me of it by talking about the gears.
