#1 of 1 in London Below
#1 of 2 in London Below, The World of Neverwhere
#4 of 4 in Rama
#3 of 4 in Rama
#2 of 3 in Sprawl Trilogy
#1 of 2 in Fight Club
#1-3 of 10 in Barsoom
#3 of 3 in Sprawl Trilogy
#1 of 4 in Rama
#2 of 4 in Rama
#1 of 2 in American Gods
#0 of 3 in Sprawl
#1 of 3 in Dragonriders of Pern
#1 of 1 in Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' Stardust
Middle-earth Universe
#3 of 3 in Bridge
#1 of 3 in Planet Pirates
#1 of 2 in The Shining
#1 of 9 in The Expanse
#2 of 9 in The Expanse
#3 of 9 in The Expanse (Chronological)
#4 of 9 in The Expanse
#5 of 9 in The Expanse
#6 of 9 in The Expanse
#2 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings
#1 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings
#7 of 9 in The Expanse
#4 of 9 in Hainish Cycle
#1 of 7 in Foundation (Publication Order)
#3 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings
#1 of 4 in Southern Reach
#2 of 4 in Southern Reach
#1 of 3 in Mars Trilogy
#5 of 8 in Harry Potter
8 • 3,829 Readers • 896 pages • 4.3
#1 of 21 in Aubrey & Maturin