A bit of a sleepy story, had not expected the romance element and did not really think it added to the story so it felt a bit forced.
Did not know who Viola Davis was so interesting to read her story. Glad there was a happ(ier) ending for her current life now. Not particularly memorable otherwise.
The concept of mind-body relationship is one I agree with and suspected. It was also fascinating to read stories that seemed miraculous as I still also subscribed to the trust of Western medicine. However, the book was very long winded and used big words so it was a struggle to finish especially where it lagged in the middle.
Had a slow child-like, slice of life element as intended which was interesting and fairly well rendered. But felt kinda of cloudy.
Very good read, loved the sci-fi element and the twists were awesome, hard to put down :)
While an interesting concept of laying untold stories to rest, the multiple changes of view and switching main characters was whip-lashy. Felt sort of unoriginal with the first MC as an author. Was not expecting the 'paranormal'-esque element. The ending felt kind of rushed and abrupt. Fairly fast read though, there were parts that made me angry and parts that made me cringe but supposedly in line with the characters themselves.