life's too short to force myself to finish this. way too many unnecessary rants, and the narration style is really not for me
2 stars just for the idea
too me 4 days to finish. a <300 pages book. says a lot
read like a wattpad story. too simplistic writing style, very repetitive at times
very very predictable and boring plot, with some annoying one dimensional characters. you don't root for anyone, there's barely any tension & the ending fell flat
michael sounded so much like a disney villain like ahah i hate everyone and im better than you, you and you !!! beth was just boring, & nicole annoying
also, i really disliked the romance side plot like did we really need this unrealistic love ?? (like very realistic, like they literally didn't interact with each other for YEARS, got married, had kids, but now y'all get together for a day & suddenly can't live without each other ?? please)
i really couldn't connect with any of the characters so it was hard staying engaged with the story
im officially a molière stan
sa plume est juste magnifique, witty & so goddamn funny
i won't even judge him for that rushed ending, for the entire reading experience was great
the dread i felt throughout the whole series is crazy man
all the characters were flawed, some more than others (im talking about you crazy hag) but it just so compelling, i couldn't stop reading
also the artwork is just chief's kiss, he's just so good at portraying emotions !!!!
i need ch 127 to drop, for my own sanity
such an amazing read !!
there was 6/5 stars stories like Louisa's (crushed my heart and made me feel so many conflicting emotions) Paranoïa (i was so immersed into the story, was feeling the same fear as the mc), The good wife (such a heartbreaking story on gaslighting & hope).
overall a very good collection !
awfully good. such a good take on the way human morality can be heavily impacted by the presence or absence of regulations.
the way everybody tried to embellish and hide themselves from reality, the sense of normalcy thus created, the primitive survival instincts and selfishness that emerged : just wow
and the ending ????
it was okay, except for sk's usual excessive descriptions/going off subject but oh well
i definitely get the creativity fatigue he talked about. the stories were meh, except for the weeping lady that was really good
hate the pop culture references, hate this sick im not like other girls annoying mc, hate the writing style
loved the atmosphere but i don't really like books that leave me with a head full of questions :/
the last pages were so ??? i literally gasped, like are we dreaming or are we fr doing all that ???
idk how to rate this book, it was so uncomfortable & heartbreaking & weird and i guess that's the point so that's good, right ?
but i really like this take on non-conformity, societal pressures & the strong need for escapism qui en découle. l'essence du livre est assez similaire à convenience store woman actually, which makes sense
they basically feel like they don't belong to society, et ne veulent pas se soumettre aux normes qu'on leur impose. so they decide to reject every “earthling” way of thinking, living and acting, thus totally embracing their “popobipianess” (completely forgot how to spell this thing)
3.5 stars, it was kinda entertaining but nothing out of this world. and i deeply wished mc could get revenge on her abusive family
both mcs were honestly written like 16 yos, they just seemed way too corny
none of the twists really did it for me, & honestly i would have dnf'd it if i didnt pick up the audiobook. the random ramblings would've been too tedious to go though
overall its a 2.5
the characters ? INFURIATING, STUPID, DEEPLY MENTALLY ILL ( rachel, scott, anna, i beg seek help)
the plot ? AMAZING
the writing ? PERFECT, not once did I feel bored nor sleepy while reading this, which is quite rare
I felt so many emotions, rage, sadness, FEAR.
Sssssuch a good read !!!
(btw the cover is so clever lol)
A soul crushing take on fascism & a deep dive into the effects of extreme despair and will to live on humans.
There were time I was literally too anxious to read because I was TOO INVESTED I felt like I was also hiding on the island
The ending quote made me tear up GOD it just tastes like hope and pain at the same time
Gobbled these 600 pages in like 2 days & im a slow reader, that's how good this book is
One of the most thrilling & emotionally engaging dystopian books I ever read
dumb characters, unbelievable plot
maggie was so painfully dumb & made such painfully stupid decisions, at this point it was just using stupidity as a plot device
bobby come back to the house was fucking stupid, i get it real life people can be stupid but not like this. & how come did he even go there without telling ANYONE about it ? when he knows damn well how deranged she is ? it just makes no sense
elsie DID interact with him at some point, so how come she didn't tell the police to search the whole damn house when he vanished & his mom was crying all over the news ? was she even interrogated lmao ? matter of fact, how come anne wasn't taken to custody or subjected to serious investigation when his mom witnessed her acting possessive and CRAZY over him ?
i also can't believe all these past deaths happened without a single thorough police investigation
its a shame that a clear & immersive writing style was paired with such a dumb and predictable plot
Sick. Totally sick. And I mean it. I have to take a very long shower.
If we forget these very mentally ill characters & the disgusting scenes, it was quite a good book.
Well written & quite humorous (once again if we forget the whole situation). I'm conflicted between liking the author or hating him with my whole soul for creating this.
I need to binge watch kitten videos now.
Was quite a ride, I literally took a break from reading because it felt too dark and heavy.
Gave what it was supposed to give, deeply frightens you.
A deep dive into the dark & twisted side of humanity, and that's what makes it scarier. No supernatural beings, just normal people that you could encounter in your corner shop.
There were some plot twists, some thrilling moments & overall that was a good book !
a literal masterpiece. made me shiver inside.
every single storyline is so carefully crafted & sooooo twisted (pun intented), and lemme not get started with the art !!!!!!!!!!!
everything is deeply disturbing & uncomfortable without leaning too much into violence and gore. like them little spiral plants ? so simple yet effective
basically a conversation on : self hate, self gaslighting, insecurity, jealousy & inferority complex (that turns into a false sense of superiority)
didn't love the characters, but i certainly felt bad for them, and for the way society transformed their very soul
a lot of heavy themes, a lot of psychological issues portrayed, and an interesting dive into the fragility of the human psyche
× yuriko was basically objectified from the way she was born, and thus accepted her deeply unfortunate situation as her essence, the reason of her existence
x her sister was so, so insecure god, qu'elle a dirigé cette haine envers sa soeur. i hated her behavior but its like i get you
× same for kazue, miss gurl turned her inferiority complex to some extreme haughtiness, never seen someone gaslight themselves this hard
its like, sure these characters are deeeeply flawed, all of em, but i really can't bring myself to hate them. si elles avaient vécu dans des conditions familiales & sociales différentes, im sure they wouldn't be the same
and don't even get me started w the men in this book god, rotten disgusting vile THROW EM IN THE NEAREST TRASH CAN RIGHT FUCKING NOW, ALL OF EM
^ btw who killed kazue, or did they go back to the apt & he killed her ???
^ & i hateeeed zhang's monologue, like sir nobody cares your grandpa had 5 goats shut up
2.5, for the plot
90% of the book was overly descriptive, i forced myself not to dnf it because of the plot but damn it was not a pleasant experience
the reveal was very predictable, still i wanted to see how it would actually play out & was def expecting something better than what we got
i really liked the portayal of denial & how we lie to ourselves when confronted to traumatic situations, the switch that happened in her mind when she finally accepted reality
very unsatisfactory ending but i get it
très bonne idée une bible fiction like this mais ça garde un goût d'inachevé
the writing style was simple enough to keep me engaged & completely pulled into the story
the plot twist definitely got me fooled, like i was acting so smug thinking i solved everything then boom
there's nothing crazy about this book, i don't have any strong feelings about it but it was a nice & quick read
the locked door is basically an aliexpress version of this book lmao