120 Books
See allThis book is a great for an introductory, yet thorough look at the Megilloth. The biblical theology is clearly laid out and done in a way that makes sense of these five books. I was thoroughly impressed with Barry G. Webb's book.
Wendell Berry's writing is beautifully simplistic and his way of writing moves the reader passionately through the story of ordinary Jayber Crow. A wonderful story with many lessons to be learned through the life of Port William's barber, namely, the uniquely loving outlook of the world, small towns, nature, and everyday life. I recommend this book to anyone.
Solid book that discusses pretty straight forward concepts to argumentation. Useful for any type of student, professional, or human being. Nice short read.
Read this set for a Historiography, Miracles, and Resurrection class. Good account of miracles and eye opening to someone who grew up in a western christian culture that is more skeptical to miracles.