Witty and frivolous. Had Ovid lived in the 21st century, this would have been a blog post titled “Tips for successful flirting or how to suck at relationships.”

January 26, 2015

A bitter depiction of life in communist Poland, yet not devoid of a sense of humour. An incredibly Kafkesque story written in a somewhat Chekhovian style of mixing comedy and drama.

July 19, 2016

Nie sądziłam, że książka o mieście - o ulicach, kamienicach, skwerach i pomnikach - może być tak wzruszająca. Jest to przepiękna opowieść o wymazywaniu, zabudowywaniu i zapominaniu historii. I o naszych narodowych mitach.

March 13, 2016

If you want to understand why societies are getting so polarised, why people holding beliefs that harm them can be so immune to evidence, or what industries do to undermine science, read this book.

November 6, 2019
February 2, 2013
February 9, 2015