Batman: One-Shots
#2 of 2 in The Archived
#1 of 10 in Sherlock Holmes
#1 of 6 in The Green Mile
#3 of 3 in Fairytale Retellings
#1 of 3 in Shades of Magic
#1 of 8 in Daredevil by Mark Waid
#8 of 8 in Wars of the Roses
#1 of 8 in Harry Potter
#1 of 3 in Historia de la literatura
#1 of 1 in The Near Witch
#1 of 3 in Don Tillman
Roald Dahl's Short Story Collections
13 Death Note [デスノート]
#1 of 11 in Lumberjanes
#1 of 2 in The Shining