Another fantastic sci-fi epic
The second book in a series is always the decider as to whether you're going to carry on with it. The first book introduces you to the characters and where things are headed and the second book has to not only introduce new intriguing characters for you to love, but also continue on the story with an interesting plot that further envelops you in the world you spent a whole book falling in love with. This book does that. I love the characters more. New great characters have been introduced and the interesting story that emerged in the first book has continued and got even more interesting for the third!
One of the best sci-fi books I've read. The world is a a truly believable, immersive futuristic landscape and theory. The characters are deep, developed, loable, dislikeable but all intriguing. The story could have been so simple but tells so many deeper stories within it making you think about things you really wouldn't think the book would make you think about! I would highly recommend this to fans of sci-fi, fans of books with adventure journeys, fans of books on governmental regimes, fans of books about MMOs, fans of books about romances. It's become an instant classic for me and has made me very excited to watch the film!
Not my sort of thing but can appreciate it
As stated in my title, it's not quite the sort of book that I enjoy, in fact at times I found it a slog. This was not because it was dull or poorly written, likely more due to the fact that there were so many new names and names of places to remember and learn. Trying to remember which place was new, which they'd visited, what relevance each had the story took a real level of concentration.
The writing was interesting, at times it repeated the word ‘and' quite often but this didn't lessen the quality and the flow of the story telling. I'd recommend this for anyone who loves historical fiction and loves great wars and ship battles.
Love the characters, plot and even the politics
That last point is the biggest winner for this book in my opinion. I'm not one for politics in books, it's why I never finished the Game of Thrones series. Usually I find it relies on too many geographical places, people's names, their titles and who deserves what. However, this book has be intrigued and the author has cleverly explained the politics and the oncoming war (I presume) in layman's terms.
On top of this, I've grown to love the characters ever more and want to know more than ever about them. However, I am hoping for more monsters in the ext book, but I understand this was setting up for a much larger tale to be told.
I have a new series to enjoy!
I absolutely loved this first book in the series. I don't tend to like Urban modern-day fantasy, but there was something about this that made it feel fantastical enough that it didn't feel like “yeah, someone would notice that”.
I like Harry as a character and I am a big fan of other supporting characters also. I do wish there was more of a group helping out as it leaves little in the way of relationships to grow, bond or break. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series!
I'm fully in!
As stated in part one review, I have read this book before but cannot remember quite being invested in it enough to leave a respectable review - therefore I have it 5* as I just presumed that was the right thing to do.
Now I've read it fully. Now I've invested over a week into this absolute epic and I'd say this is now in my top books of all time. It tells many stories, offers up such a phenomenal and interesting world and fully grips you in with an unknown history, interesting questions, fascinating theories, deep characters and that feeling of really having lived through these characters' lives. First time round I didn't really get the hype. Second time round, I am all aboard the hype train!
Obsessed already
This is my new favourite fantasy series without a doubt. This first book brings you into such a fully-realised that you could almost believe it's based in some truth. The character could do with a little more personality but you definitely learn to love and dislike them. But as I said, the world, cultures and civilisations is where this book excels. Making you feel like everything is tied and has its own space in this vast land that Robert Jordan has created. If I could give this six stars, I genuinely think I would...
Just an incredibly joyous read
I just loved the way this book was written. Terry Pratchett's way of writing was truly unique and you can see his personality shine through.
H built two characters who were very likeable and sent them on such an insane adventure in less than 300 words which is an incredible feat for sure. Books just aren't written like this anymore I feel.
Best fantasy book I've read
I absolutely adore films/tv shows/books that show the journey of a character who has an incredible life that changes and goes off on so many tangents. This book isn't the quickest read and isn't hugely filled with action but it truly takes you on a journey. You need to finish this book, don't give up - trust me, it is wholly worth it. So far this is the best fantasy book I've ever read!
Not as good as book 2 but still incredibly consistent
People love the Alex Rider books because they give you James Bond but written in a very relatable way. I'm 26 and he's 14, so it may not be THAT relatable. But it's definitely more relatable than some 40-something highly-trained spy.
The stories are constantly tense and this one doesn't deny us that feeling. I always feel like the villains are a little weak, but I guess the age this book is written for aren't worried about a convincing villain with an understandable motive. 4/5 would be about eight from me.
It was OK
I base my reviews based on how much I think about the book after I've finished it and whether I want to jump back into that world. There have been only a couple series where I've NEEDED to read the sequel straight after and a fair few where I knew I'd definitely be jumping back in at some point. However unfortunately this series hasn't brought me in quite as much. There weren't a huge number of characters and especially none that were that likeable. None really had that much personality and the story was really rather generic and doesn't leave me with any questions or queries I'm particularly bothered about having answered in the sequel. I will likely read the sequel as I'd like to for the upcoming Netflix series(‘) but that's it. A positive was that it wasn't too long as there was a cool magic system and unique “villains”.
Just lost interest. Written in such a convoluted manner and I never really got a hang of what was happening.