322 Books
See allI highly appreciate this novel for its thematic ambitions. ‘White Noise' shed lights on superficial aspects of modern consumerist societies and on our modern day obsession with data to the point of worshiping them. Despite all the characters' desperate attempts of collecting data and making sense of their life events, they both consciously choose to remain ignorant as artificial attempt to cling to illusional sense of control.
However, this story is worthless. The characters lack personalities. The philosophical dialogues lack epistemological foundation, which make them sound dull and vague. When I reached the final page of this book, I found myself having wasted time reading Jack's self-justification for his irresponsibility and pretentiousness. This novel has no relevance at communities that value intimate human connections over intellectual hypocrisy.
Extremely underwhelming, with the plot extruded to excessive length and one-dimensional characters. Vonnegut's the sloppiest work, the definition of pulp fiction.
Trivial, nonsensical and tedious. This book left me wondering if I am too old for this kind of books. But in another hand, I still enjoy Dr. Seuss... so am I old? :) And by writing these I just realised I'm talking nonsense to myself. Who am I gonna be? Where did my old self go?
And ultimately did I start to replicate this one-dimensional Alice? 😂 lmao
By the way the audiobook narrated by Scarlett Johansson made this “Alice's Adventure in Absurdland” a bit more lively to me. Thank Johannson!