A nice little read! I love thé characters in this world and the witchy vibes are perfect! I think the book would’ve benefitted from being longer and having more things contributing to the plot but I had a good time nonetheless.
I enjoyed this Ali Hazelwood story mostly for the fact that it centred around video games. The winter lodge and skiing was also fun to hear about! Listening to an Ali Hazelwood novel, however, was a bit of a strange experience for me. I'll definitely buy a physical copy of this if it gets released though. I also loved the story that the game-to-be centres around.
A nice little Christmas book! The plot was quite predictable but I didn’t really mind because all I wanted was this exact vibe. ‘The Christmas Tree Farm’ was my first introduction to Dream Harbor, and the other characters in the town have made me want to read their stories. I enjoyed the main character, Kira, being from a richer background and actually wanting to grow beyond her privilege. Also if you love dogs, you will definitely appreciate the amount of them in this book! My main plight with this book is that the author repeats herself a lot - almost as though she doesn’t trust her reader to remember key information (even though it’s a relatively quick read) or read between the lines. I am curious to see if that is a feature of Gilmore’s writing in general or if it is just in this book. Looking forward to finding out, as I am going to read ‘The Cinnamon Bun Book Store’ (also by Laurie Gilmore) next.
I enjoyed the mystery plot line, and the character development across the book, however. It was fun to hear about Kira from The Christmas Tree Farm (also by Laurie Gilmore) mentioned, which is what I wanted to get out of reading the Dream Harbor series. Unfortunately, this book was was spicier than I thought it would be which I wasn’t prepared for, nor in the correct headspace for really. However, as mentioned in my last review, I don’t think Gilmore repeated herself as much in this book, but she still stated the obvious. I also wanted to hear more about the ‘Cinnamon Bun’ aspect of the book shop but it was only touched on a few times. Overall this book was quite a fun and easy read, but I don’t think the story will stick with me.
This was a nice way to round off my ATYD reading for the time being. I like how the author handled Remus' grief and Tonks' involvement too. The author doesn't quite hit the same marks as MsKingBean89 or Rollercoasterwords did, as the American writing style was quite clear. However, overall I enjoyed this fic.
I read this in three settings but it took me a month to actually finish it. Part of me understands why it is so famous, but I didn't read anything as life changing as I expected to - though that is possibly a fault on my part for having high expectations. I was familiar with the concept of a man waking up as an insect but had no knowledge of the text beyond that. The ending surprised me, and I did enjoy the process of reading this, but we shall see if it affects my thinking in the long term. I am glad it was not very long. If it was the length of a full novel I highly doubt I would have been persueded to read it.
MsKingBean89 I am so glad you gave us more of you OC Grant Chapman. He deserves the best and you did him justice <3
More content with my favourite characters? Yes please. MsKingBean89 you got me again with more amazing writing!
Miller's prose is simply beautiful. I highlighted loads in this book, and I consider this an excellent welcome into the world of Greek Mythology. Circe is an inspiring, novel about a woman coming into herself. Going into this with no knowledge of any Greek mythology made every turn a twist for me! The atmosphere the author creates is immersive, and I felt as though I was by Circe's side the whole way through.
If you like Ali Hazelwood's other books then I think you will enjoy these novellas! She manages to cram a lot of character building into such a short space, but it feels natural and well thought out. The only real thing marking this down a bit for me was the references to how small and skinny the women always are. It is getting a bit boring now, and even though this is fiction, makes it feel slightly less rooted in reality. Could do without that part! Other than that, I enjoyed the tropes of sharing a house, being stuck in a lift, and shared workplace all with the background of a friendship group of engineers. I particularly enjoyed 'Below Zero' as Hannah felt distinctly different from many other Ali Hazelwood characters. I also loved the exploration into Svalbard expeditions. I would've gladly read a full novel about Hannah's experiences there!
’Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea’ by Rebecca Thorne was an enjoyable, if low stakes read. I enjoyed the sapphic romance and setting, though I disagree that this is cosy fantasy. It had cosy elements to be sure, but the wider plot overhauls them in a broader sense. Listening to the audiobook was a pleasant experience and helped me keep track of which characters were which. Seeing that the sequel involves sea-faring, it means that I will probably continue the series at some point.
If you like Ali Hazelwood's other books I think you will enjoy 'Not In Love'. Be aware that this book is definately more adult as it covers some more serious topics but also more frequent and intense intimacy. Overall, I enjoyed reading this! It isn't the best book in the world, nor is it trying to be, but I had fun on the ride. I read this as a buddy read with my best friend, and we were kicking our feet and giggling as per usual with AH.
Demolished this in one day! I am incredibly surprised that there are no English printings of ‘Dear Gene’. It is just such a lovely story with beautiful artwork, and these two volumes have been my first ever manga. 4/5 because I found the time jumps and flashbacks a teensy bit confusing, but other than that it is such a delightful read.
5 stars, no notes. Already loved the book but reading it this time with Andy Serkis’ narration was delightful.
Read this whilst in Santorini and it was a nice experience! Not sure I'd read it when not on holiday there, but it was lovely to have references to the culture and environment that I was experiencing whilst I was there. As I got more into it I read it faster and faster.
As with the original fic 'All the Young Dudes', the retelling from Sirius' perspective cemented just how obsessed I am with these characters. I adored seeing how the events of the original took shape in Sirius' mind, and especially him dealing with his abusive parents and homophobic upbringing. James' character also gets built up even more in this and seeing how he supports Sirius will stay with me forever. If you enjoyed ATYD, I implore you to read 'Sirius' Perspective'. Everyone in this book just needs a hug and I wish I could give it to them :( Instead, I salute you, Rollercoasterwords, and thank you for building on an already wonderful story.
This was my first Ashley Herring Blake book and it was an exceptional (queer) romance. Her writing paints the characters in such lovely detail, and I really felt at home in their little world. It was great to read about queer friend groups too, and also commenting on queer stereotypes and showing more of reality. The theatrical setting was an excellent choice. ‘Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date’ is one of the few romance books of a similar vibe that I didn’t really cringe at because it felt grounded in reality. I can’t wait for my other queer friends to read this book!
If you enjoyed the TV series (excusing the ending), then I think you will definitely enjoy this book. I listened to the audiobook and I was immersed all throughout - it really is classic fantasy. It is heavy on the politics and it can be hard to remember names at times, but it is worth pushing through. I am excited to continue reading more of George R.R. Martin's work.
Jennette, I'm glad your mum died too.
The book that has gotten me back into reading - easy to read but a hard hitter for sure. Makes you question parenting and the entertainment industry, but also how powerful the human mind is. Massive trigger warning for victims of emotional abuse, eating disorders, religious trauma, substance abuse, and OCD. As someone who has been through a few of those things myself, it marked an unexpected milestone in my recovery where I can read about such things and be proud of my progress and even cry with joy at hers! Jennette you have been dragged through life, but you've come out the other side running, and it is a wonderful thing that you have shared your story with the world.
In short: I loved this book. Baldree continues to impress with his inspired characters and slice of life storytelling. Bookshops & Bonedust has a sprinkle more physical conflict than Legends & Lattes, but don't let that fool you into thinking that it doesn't provide you with the same warm and cosy embrace of L&L. I really enjoyed learning more about Viv's past and watching new friendships bloom - not to mention the coastal setting adding a new depth to the world. Despite this being a prequel, I would still recommend reading L&L first, as I think that really helps set the tone. The books complement each other wonderfully. And for those who have already read B&B but not L&L: you are going to love the story after the story.
I enjoyed this book but it took a long while for me to get into - mostly because I do not enjoy reading about politics that much. That being said, I did really enjoy the book the further I got into it. In particular, I loved the emails that Alex and Henry exchange. I think the politics in particular felt a little too close to home seeing as the US presidential election just concluded, and once the main drama of the book happened, I felt like I was just reading the last chapter knowing exactly what would happen (I didn't mind that too much though). Overall it was an enjoyable read - it had good LGBTQ+ representation, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and the characters were varied and had depth. I think I would've preferred reading this from Henry's perspective more, but again that might just be because I am British myself and feel more interested in Henry's coming out than Alex's because more seemed at stake.
For those of you who love Miriam, you will love this book. As you read it you can hear her voice saying everything in her own eloquent and sometimes naughty way. Overall, it is an enjoyable and lighthearted read with great insights into the acting profession and charming anecdotes on being a woman who is gay, Jewish, British and fat. I feel as though I want to give her a big hug!
Thoroughly enjoyed my first SJM book! Despite the trope of quirky small adventurer girl, the magic and story that unfolds engrossed me entirely. The author does an excellent job at describing the wonder of the faerie world from the eyes of a human, and making you feel like you're there with the characters. Especially as the book reaches its climax - you really feel it. Looking forward to book 2!