Excuse me?? This book? Wow, I loved it. It's just the way Celia manages to get between history and fiction so easily, and how you can really feel the characters feelings. You don't even need to be into or have a previous background knowledge about the Romanovs to like it. I'm not good at writing reviews, so there's not much more I can say, but this book was perfect.
4 ⭐️ cuz the begging was too much for me and I abandoned like at page 150, but I luckily started reading it again and it definitely got better.
I was surprised by this book.
I didn't really know what to think about it, I had seen very bad and very good reviews. I personally think it's a well written book, and with a good story and plot.
But it's also important to mention that, I, living and being from a monarchy have noticed, and I know things that are clearly only possible in the book. Because yeah, that's not how a monarchy works, (if you've read it, you'll understand me, if you haven't you'll have to read it ;)). (I say this knowing damn well I'm a monarchist, but some things have to be said).
And the last thing is that the fact that names from the actual British Royal Family were used was weird, because the face of that people came to my mind, and I couldn't really imagine those character's appeareance nor personality.
But well, I'll just leave you here my favourite quote: “He wants to set himself on fire, but he can't afford for anyone to see him burn.”
I feel like I've read this book soooo many times. It's my comfort book, the book that I know will make me cry, but also the book that I know will make me laugh. That book that I can reach to and know won't disappoint me, no matter how many times I read it.
Oh boy... I love this book, I love it so much, but I've just cried like a baby the whole reading...