


The Well of Ascension

#2 of 3 in The Mistborn Saga: The Original Trilogly

2007 • 2,078 Readers • 624 pages 4.3


Mistborn: The Final Empire

#1 of 3 in The Mistborn Saga: The Original Trilogly

2006 • 3,509 Readers • 534 pages 4.4


The Farseer Trilogy

#1-3 of 3 in The Farseer Trilogy

1995 • 722 Readers • 2,096 pages 4.1


The Picture of Dorian Gray and Three Stories

1890 • 226 Readers • 332 pages 4


The Count of Monte Cristo

2 Le Comte de Monte-Cristo

1830 • 1,805 Readers • 1,276 pages 4.3