138 Books
See allHonestly, I approached this book and the entire series as a skeptic. I had seen and heard enough people talk about how explicit the TV adaptation is so I wasn't sure how I felt about trying to actually read the books. Now that I've read it, I'm really glad I gave it a chance. I'd like to hit just a few of my thoughts about the book and its contents without revealing any spoilers:
1. The sex. Yes, there is some explicitly written sex in this book. Let's just get that out there and say it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or has a completely different opinion on what the words “explicit sex” means. It's not just innuendo or implied, it is descriptively written in several times. That being said, I never found the sex to be so pervasive as to ruin the book for me and it usually doesn't last more than a few paragraphs which I was extremely thankful for because I could easily skim down a few paragraphs, make sure the sex was over and continue on with the book. If this isn't something you feel comfortable doing, than don't read this series. Just don't let people make you think that this is 50 Shades of Grey or anything like that because it's not even close. Sex is probably 2% or less of this book so I think most people can just move past it without a problem. Yes, it is disturbing at times and there are some really touchy issues such as rape and incest but in my opinion it is a lot like ready Middle-Age history where all of these things also happened on a fairly regular basis. If I had written it, I wouldn't have included it but George R. R. Martin did and I still didn't have a probably skipping over it and enjoying the actual story.
2. The characters. George R. R. Martin made some pretty great characters and some pretty hateful characters too. I mean you really hate some characters in this book and I love that. Having each chapter be from a different character's point of view is phenomenal and also very confusing at times but the more you read and familiarize yourself with who is who the better it gets. The characters are really what makes this book such a great read in my opinion and they become even better as the series progresses. Also, I am a huge fan of the fact that the author is not afraid to have even lovable characters die gruesome deaths because I don't want to only read fairy tales where the good guys always win. Knowing that any character I like might die at any moment kept me on my toes and always wanting to know what will happen next and if someone does die, I can't say I ever felt cheated by their death (i.e. people don't just magically drop dead for unexplained reasons).
3. The story. So many different stories are happening across so many different characters that it can feel really overwhelming but it is worth it. Keep your smartphone handy and keep http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Chapters handy so you can read chapter summaries in case you've set the book down for a while or if you've forgotten who someone is. Trust me, it's a lifesaver. The story in this book is good but I found it lacking in some areas. Can't say much without giving it away but I will say that it gets better in the books that follow.
If you like fantasy, deep characters, a lot of action and political wit than read this series. It's great. 4/5
Every Christian in America should read this book
Esau McCaulley is a voice our world would do well to listen to. This book is equally hard-hitting, convicting, enlightening, and hopeful.