Loved the format, the writing, the stories. If Ivan Coyote is ever in the vicinity, I would love to see them.

March 18, 2020
April 3, 2019

Intelligent and satisfying. Looking forward to reading Winter.

December 13, 2018

More Sontag. Probably enough to last a while.

October 9, 2019

Annie Ernaux won the Nobel Prize in Literature, so maybe this book is not representative of her work, or maybe just not a good introduction. Her obsession is tedious.

February 13, 2023

Loved Cod and Salt; Milk, not so much. Kind of dull, actually.

June 7, 2018

Excellent set of short stories written by a former coworker. Yay, Becky!

February 27, 2015

A book of true crime for the Read Harder Challenge. Two stories are juxtaposed here, as the subtitle implies. I found the memoir much more engrossing than the analysis of the murder, which the author primarily recounts/reconstructs from documentation.

January 19, 2018
February 25, 2017

A sympathetic look at ageism in the world of hired contract killers. :-) Loved it. Also loved the fact that the main character has a dog named Deadweight.

March 28, 2022

Got sucked into the Lacey Flint mystery series. Not bad.

February 17, 2017

For the Read Harder Challenge category of a book with a female protagonist over the age of 60. Mrs. Pollifax is a retired, yoga-practicing karate expert who gets an assignment from the CIA now and again. A series of silly books, really, but fun to read.

February 28, 2018

Title character is a druggy, tattooed detective who steals pills from the medicine cabinets of her friends and strangers and who barely survives this installment. Loved it. Going back to read the first one now.

July 27, 2020

A “book about war” for the Read Harder Challenge. Again, books about war are not a category I would seek out (the point of the challenge, obvi), but this book is riveting.

January 22, 2017

For the 2017 Read Harder Challenge–“Read a superhero comic with a female lead.” Done.

January 10, 2017

Five stars for throwing shade where shade is well-deserved. And an apropos follow-up to [b:Becoming 38746485 Becoming Michelle Obama 60334006].

November 28, 2018

Enjoyable and happy-making. Maybe closer to 4-stars as it develops, but it seemed to take a while for the story to get going.

July 26, 2018
March 6, 2018

flight home

January 16, 2020

Lovely book, with interesting characters. Mostly I fell in love with the two sets of parents, who were amazing. This book was for the 2017 Reading Challenge category “Read a YA or middle grade novel by an author who identifies as LGBTQ+.”

January 1, 2017

Put this one aside for a while, but ended up loving it. It fulfills my final Read Harder Challenge category, “Read a book that is set more than 5000 miles from your location.” Whee! For extra credit, I'm watching the Russian miniseries version on YouTube. Bizarre and addictive.

October 28, 2017
July 26, 2017

Not quite laugh-out-loud funny, but witty. Discovered this book after spending a full day (I have a cold) listening to the podcast Backlisted. It (the podcast) was recommended to me by my British friend, Matt, and I recommend it to you.

October 6, 2018

~4, maybe closer to 5, stars for being a pleasure to read. This book was written in 1958, but feels like it could be a Parker Posey movie today. Includes parties, martinis, avocados, some dark turns, and best of all, unexpected yet positive librarian portrayal.

October 24, 2018
September 8, 2016