September 13, 2016

As much as I love the LOTR trilogy, this series of books were the hardest ever to finish for me. However discovering the scenes that never made into the movies made it worthwhile.

January 20, 2014
June 20, 2016

It was okay. I just don't think it deserves all these hypes.

September 13, 2011
March 23, 2016
June 28, 2015

Full of the right vision and the right tone to reach the right audience. It gets a bit repetitive after a few chapters into the book.

March 11, 2015

Awesome story telling, witty jokes and a great personality delivering lessons of twitter.

June 8, 2016
February 10, 2015

While the facts and the life story are pretty incredible, I could not help but get bored out of my mind by the simplistic story telling. The sunk cost fallacy is the only reason why I finished reading it.

February 6, 2016

Awesome long read! A compilation of numerous masters' biography and detailed analysis of how they climbed those heights acts a guide for anyone who's intrigued about achieving mastery themselves.

October 4, 2015
May 9, 2015

I stopped reading it after making 50% progress of the book.

You should read this book only if you are a big fan of the author's previous books and don't mind life advices given to you with nothing but anecdotal evidences in the frame of the theories from his previous books.

February 10, 2022
November 5, 2011
May 9, 2016