It has been a really long time since I read something, so I started this series hoping it would get me very interested and make me want to read all the books right now. I actually took very long to finish the first book in the series. It's not bad, it just didn't grip my attention as much as I was expecting it to. Maybe because Theo is a kid (literally the title) and I find that I enjoy reading about characters closer to my age. But anyway, it is an okay book and I read a few pages out of the next book which got me juuust a tad bit more interested for now.
It has been a really long time since I read something, so I started this series hoping it would get me very interested and make me want to read all the books right now. I actually took very long to finish the first book in the series. It's not bad, it just didn't grip my attention as much as I was expecting it to. Maybe because Theo is a kid (literally the title) and I find that I enjoy reading about characters closer to my age. But anyway, it is an okay book and I read a few pages out of the next book which got me juuust a tad bit more interested for now.