I wanted to love this one. What book-lover wouldn't love a sci-fi about libraries? Unfortunately the characters starved for depth to the detriment of the story. The only character that I thought was well written was Wolfe. Everyone else just had very little to make them human. The premise of this story is excellent, but it lost so much from the characterization being so poorly done. Even the writing is lacking. The cuts between scenes aren't smooth, and there were some areas where the grammar didn't quite fit. I feel like the author should either have nixed the hookups and made it into a middle grade book, or developed the characters more so you didn't feel so ‘eh whatever' when things happened. Disappointing.
This book was beautiful. I had to skip a small piece of chapter 11 and there are some curse words/foul language–these are expected in such a time period and it makes the book more honest and not rose-colored. It is not to excess or more than one would expect. The perspectives of people surrounding all of the main characters shows you something you would not expect and would not have thought of otherwise. I think I may remember these words after every time I hear Clair de Lune. Such an important piece of history to see from different perspectives. Absolutely beautiful.
I enjoyed this book so much. I couldn't put it down wanting to know what was going to happen. Romance wasn't as developed early on as it probably should have been–they kind of rushed together faster than seemed normal. But the ending seemed like it fit perfectly.
Terribly written. The story is okayish and because of who I am I cannot help but want to finish the series. It is interesting if predictable. There are serious syntax errors though that should have been edited out. There are story issues as well. At one point Ash calls Meghan to get her attention and then two pages later he says her name again and Meghan thinks “this is the first time he called me by my name” uh...two pages ago he also called you by your name... There are half a dozen issues like this. But if this book is on the best sellers list, then there is hope for other iffy authors like myself.
Slightly creepy, but really interesting. Keeps you on your toes. Had a great ending, and was very well written. Lots of questions to be answered in the upcoming books.
Really great book to read out loud to kiddos. Absolutely hilarious dad story about how he brought home milk. Perfection.
Decent story line, if long. Seemed to drag on but I liked the premise. A little cliché but it worked well.
Fun read, irritatingly similar to every other classic book, but I think the idea was just that. Predictable.
This was a great tech/geek mixed with a love for classic fantasy book. If that isn't your genre you might not care for it I suppose but it was a really fun read for me. My only disappointment was that the book could have easily been made into a duology or even a trilogy. There are obviously two parts, possibly 3 if you count NYC. These could have been expanded upon and made for some interesting plot lines and cliff hangers. But I guess one book will just have to do. I wholeheartedly disagree with the comments that say the ending wasn't good. The ending is exactly as it should be. It's good writing. It might not be mystical or magical but it's where the flow of the book leads. Still I wish the whole story was longer.
ending was probably very unrealistic and I ate it up like candy out of Marissa Meyer's hand.
I adored this series. So good. So recommended. I can't believe it's finished.
This book was absolutely incredible and terrible and fantastic and I'm not entirely over it yet. Probably one of he better books I've read in my lifetime. The language was a lot more crude by a long shot than I typically read, and that is my only point of contention. I generally guess endings and story lines for most books. This book was the most unpredictable book I've ever read and to me that is high praise. Every time I thought something was definitely going to go a certain way, it didn't. So glad I read this one.
It was really hard for me to get into in the first half of the book. I don't know if it was just because I had a lot of crazy things going on or if it was just slow to start. Once I hit around page 300 though it started to get really good really fast. The immersion and intensity of the second half of the book was overwhelming at times. I don't want to give anything away but the way that Ted Dekker described the feeling and emotion of what was going on really brings to light thoughts I had about the Garden of Eden and such in the Bible. Comparing visually what C. S. Lewis describes in “The Magicians Nephew,” “Black” is completely different but what comes after is described in perfect sadness and the beauty of God is awe-inspiring. Very good.
I couldn't finish this book it was too gritty for me. The story line was excellent but it's not for the faint of heart. I had to put it down unfortunately. I still think about the story line and I really wish I could have finished it.