Not so good
It was really, really boring and it's just recommended for nothing and I am not reading it at all times.
Terribly written. The story is okayish and because of who I am I cannot help but want to finish the series. It is interesting if predictable. There are serious syntax errors though that should have been edited out. There are story issues as well. At one point Ash calls Meghan to get her attention and then two pages later he says her name again and Meghan thinks “this is the first time he called me by my name” uh...two pages ago he also called you by your name... There are half a dozen issues like this. But if this book is on the best sellers list, then there is hope for other iffy authors like myself
DNF. It probably has a fine ending. I got to the last 100 pages or so and the writing started to get sappy and soupy and I just was no longer interested. It's probably fine. It started to feel like everything was falling perfectly into place and there was too many pages left...which always sends off alarm bells to me and I can't read another book where the main character dies on the last page. So I'm going to pretend the happy sappy pages are the end.
Had to stop reading. The premise was okay, and I LOVE the author. But this book was a little too feely for me personally. Cheesy romance that I couldn't get into. Not my cup of tea. Other's may like it but for me it was a little too Twilight.
To be entirely honest, I read this because the author's name was Cara. ;p But also because I needed a fun easy read for the sloth of stress my life has going on right now and this was absolutely perfect for that. Also that it was free with my membership on audible was a gold star too. The characters are a bit cliche but honestly, it was an excellent rom-com for those random days when you need it. I think the characters seem so perfect but acting as they aren't though might have to do with our own perceptions of ourselves sometimes not being as great as others may see us though and that is a great theme that I can get behind. Great audio on Audible being a full cast and background. I love this kind of book.
It was a pretty decent book but kind of slow for me. It went through an insane amount of years from beginning to end and I think the author could have benefited from splitting them up. The plot is decent though predictable (I had the ending pegged before the end of Part 1). Kind of wish they involved more of the land topside but I assume from the length of the series that this and several other questions will be answered in upcoming books. I think I will continue reading the series though maybe I will pick it up again after several other books I am interested in are read.
This book is gold. My favorite right now. If I could give it 10 stars I would. There isn't a single line of ‘less-than' writing in the whole book. Read this series. This is the second time I've read it. It's fantastic.
I couldn't get over the fact that Ender was 6 years old. I had a hard time reading it due to this.
The second time I read this I lowered the rating. Don't get me wrong, it still has a 5 star ending, but the beginning and the middle are kind sappy. Still overall an enjoyable read and a lot made more sense after reading the first series that I originally didn't know about the first time I read this book.
This was the most different type of writing I've experienced in a long time. I can't even compare it to something else other than the mixture of genres that this book encompasses. It's a little confusing in the beginning but by the second part a light goes off and suddenly you're slightly in awe of the complexity of writing. This is nothing at all, even close to Kristin Cashore's other series. So if you start reading expecting ‘Graceling' inspired content, you won't find it. This again was so different from anything I've ever read.
This was actually a pretty good book. Fairy enjoyable, and kept me turning page after page. It's a it longer than the average YA book I think, so I was worried I wouldn't finish it before it as due. I needn't have worried. I raced through it because it was a high action intense story. That being said, I did give it 3 stars. You know when you're given writing prompts and a bunch of people use the same prompt but get different stories? It's kinda like this book was written from a writing prompt. The idea isn't a new one, which is something I think Marissa Meyer is used to especially with the Lunar Chronicles. The general concept of the story isn't anything I would be shocked to hear about. But that's not to say it's not interesting. She has a way of writing that keeps you hooked. It just felt a little cliché. Even so, I can't wait for the next book and out of all my theories, the last few sentences I did not expect. Another great Marissa Meyer!!
I wanted to love this more because the author is adorable and her introduction made me love her. It was a little too contemporary romance for me personally. I love a good book about a book lover, but it was a bit just okay for me. Though there were some parts that made me laugh out loud, I felt myself thinking that parts of the story could have been explored and weren't. Maybe they will be in the sequels. Not sure I'll read them though.
This book was so good that I downloaded the audio version to listen to when I couldn't read it. Which was perfect because I ended up lending it out before I finished it. It's something that I think everyone can relate with and some of us more than others I'm sure. Lysa does it again by kicking me in the tush in the areas I need most–perhaps have needed most for much of my life. She has a lot of carefully scripted quoteable quotes that don't necessarily seem disingenuous but seem like they were written for the sole purpose of being quoted. I don't mind that, but it's the reason I gave it 4 well deserved stars.
This was a modern sci-fi ‘Catcher in the Rye' that I did not care for. Second star is because the idea of the story.
I highly enjoyed this book. It was a bit all over the place though which might dissuade others from reading it or enjoying it, but honestly, I'm a bit all over the place so I felt right at home. I tried explaining this book to several people and failed miserably. I can't quite explain the extensive chaos in this book, but I adored it.
I love this story line. I love the characters, and the inclusion of literary Easter eggs all throughout. There are just bits and pieces that really annoy me. It started in the well of lost plots with the extreme lack of pregnancy knowledge and then little bits and bobs in this one just seemed lacking depth. The whole superhoop thing seemed really random, not random chaotic in the way this series excites me, but random like the author couldn't think of what to make the backbone of the story so he went with a sports game because nothing else came to mind. A lot of stuff was written as afterthoughts. Like oh yeah I forgot about this bit, let's stick it in here. Her coming back to life at the end was absurdly predictable and kind of annoying honestly. How many people can they get to take her place? Spike! Poor Spike. He could have been such a great complicated character but he was so 1 dimensional. He turns Thursday down to date this random woman that he falls in love with and she seems great in the previous book but she turns out to be super whiney in this book. The whole window maker thing was another author cop-out. ‘Couldn't figure out what to do here, so let's make her Spikes wife.' And then when she's kicks the bucket he just goes with it? No. That's inhuman.
The ending really got me though. I was possibly sobbing.
But I'm really kinda pissed about Bowden. Where the heck is he at the end? And there's this theme since book one “I'm gonna marry that woman.” But like she just pops in after 2 years and everyone just acts like she was there last week. And Fforde even touched on the romance so briefly with the Neanderthal telling him about how Bowden is ‘not able to be with the woman you truly love.' But Gran says Thursday is with Landon for over 40 years. What was even up with that fortune telling? Geez I really hope the author uses that in the upcoming books because what a waste.
Ugh. Why did I want Fforde to kill off Landon so bad? I felt like it was what I would have wrote honestly. Like it was required to happen for the story to be told.
Bringing up the pregnancy thing again, I realize Fforde is a guy, but he has literally no idea what it's like to be a mom at all.
Where the hell did Mycroft and Polly come from?! At the end of the Eyre Affair it said -and she never saw them again- which really bothered me at the time because I really thought they really made the book so great. I love the going through books thing, but I wanted more crazy ingenuity. Still, the ‘oh yeah Mycroft and Polly came back after we did some random bit we're not actually going to tell you about, but it was crazy, you should have been there.'
This was an emotional book for me that I expected to be a lot more lighthearted than it was. It's an adventure story of a man that recently lost his wife in his old age. He finds a charm bracelet of hers that he never saw before that sparks a journey to seek out what each charm meant to his wife. The joys and pains in that journey stretch his perspective on life and gives him courage to do new things even being an older gentleman. It was beautiful. It was fun. It was sad, and disheartening as well as joy-filled and enlightening. It was a very good book that I would recommend to anyone needing a change of pace.
Finished this book in a day and now I have to wait for the next one. Story line is interesting though I feel like it didn't really go as far as it probably should for the first book of a new series. I feel like there could have been more plot here. There was also some underdeveloped writing that seemed lacking in depth. Typical and predictable. Relationship wasn't developed as well as it could have been. Boy and girl were practically in love at first sight...kinda. And the main character's ability, though constantly said to be capable was hindered by the lack of showing her capability. She's frequently a damsel in distress. Only in the very beginning did it seem like she could handle herself. The way she saves him the one time, though interesting enough, was kind of lacking. That being said I still enjoyed it enough to read it in one sitting ;) and I want to know what happens in the next book. So not good enough to hit my top 20 but good enough that I'm curious where it will lead.
The story was interesting enough. Writing was a little amateur. I think the author will get better the more she writes. There are a lot of gaps, hopefully filled in the second book, but obvious enough that the characters would have said something in a real life situation. There were a few locations where they said actual “secrets” out loud before giving explanations to the persons they said them to. It's flawed in a few places. The “Who Dun It” was fairly obvious at a certain point before the book was even half over. That was a lot of negative. The story line was generally enjoyable. I like the relationship between Kai and Irene–though I'm not sure where it's going tbh. It was a fun enough read. Lighthearted. Only slightly creepy.