A literary masterpiece. Definitely my favorite of Dickens. This was an amazing story with a powerful lesson behind it. Reading about Pip and his coming-of-age journey was not just enjoyable, but also thought-provoking. Pip is one of my favorite protagonists ever, because of how realistic his wants and wishes were and his moral development was satisfying to see through to the end. Aside from him, there were numerous likable and memorable characters such as the loyal friend Herbert, the generous (true gentleman) Joe, and the unique (so-called) villain of the story Miss Havisham.
“You are in every line I have ever read.”
There was something bittersweet about the story, the relationship between Pip and Estella, The Convict's storyline, and the ending in general. It makes me sad somehow but I still loved the cautionary tale of this book.
My love for Donna Troy knows no limit. I'm also glad they fixed her origins, and included a heart-warming scene between her and Dick.
“I am afraid because I can so clearly foresee my own life rotting away of itself, like a leaf that rots without falling, while I pursue my round of existence from day to day.”
I liked but didn't love Dazai's No Longer Human, I found it too depressing for me to understand the message. However, I think this book is my favorite of his so far. It's quite pessimistic, of course. But I thought it was an emotional, fast-paced read. The social status, the end of an era, and the beautiful relationship between mother and daughter were all nuanced in this story.
that was amazing, a huge improvement from the pervious book.
i like how the author took the story in a new direction. (Hades and Persephone is my favorite retelling.)
i adore Feyre, i didn't care much about her in the first book, but here? she was awesome. Rhysand, of course, is the star of this book and i can't stress enough on how good he is.
i think what i liked the most about this book is how more exciting it was, the pacing and the luscious romance also contributed to my enjoyment.
i also loved the side characters here, Amren was a cool addition to the story, Cassian and Nesta were amusing and can't wait to see more of their banter.
the first part was enjoyable, and i loved the focus on Feyre and Lucien because i missed their friendship, but the rest of the book was a convoluted mess and the main characters started to get very annoying.
what i loved mostly is the development of Nesta's character, she and Cassian were more delightful to read about than others.
That being said, the author knows how to keep the story entertaining despite being a long book.
“Technically, I'm a murderer, but I like to think that's one of my better qualities.”
One of my favorite dual pov books because of how awesome both the protagonists were. I listened to the audiobook and it was so good! I think going into this blindly made me enjoy it more. I kinda wished there was more romance but I loved the dynamic between the main characters.
“Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read.”
I thought I was prepared for this but obviously, I was not. this book is simply beautiful. bittersweet, but still beautiful. it's been a long time since I was attached to many characters as I was to the London Institute group and especially Will, Tessa and Jem. Their story was memorable, one I will definitely be thinking about for a while.
the plotline was engaging but I would be lying if I said I wasn't here for the romantic storyline between our main trio. I was worried about how everything will be resolved, but the outcome was very special and I have no complaints.
“At last, the wheel comes full circle”
“My name is Celaena Sardothien," she whispered, "and I will not be afraid.”
I loved this! It adds more depth to Celaena's character. I think my favorite story is the assassin and the desert because of the complex female friendship and i enjoyed reading about Celaena's time there. But i also liked the last two stories because of how interesting Arobyn as an antagonist was and also because of Lysandra and Sam.
I think i'm starting to warm up to Japanese literature, most of the novels are short and powerful.
I'm really rooting for Akari and Inui but I don't know why I feel like they won't be endgame.
“If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?”
You are not the last dream of my soul.You are the first dream, the only dream I ever was unable to stop myself from dreaming. You are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream, I hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime's worth.
“It's hard to wake from a nightmare when the nightmare is real.”
I loved this a lot. Usually prequels aren't my thing but this installment was very different and unique. I liked the characters and the relationships in this era and i hope to see them mentioned in the next books.
Another spectacular work and my favorite contemporary book by [a:Melina Marchetta 47104 Melina Marchetta https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1277655889p2/47104.jpg]. At this point, i don't think she has the capacity to write anything bad.The Finch-Mackee family drama hits so deep. I don't know how all the dialogues and all the characters seem to be tailored to gut you. Sometimes it's not something sad or tragic, sometimes a simple friendly conversation or family moment can be a tear jerker. The writing in general is outstanding and like every Marchetta book, i end up loving every character and every sentence.While i loved everything and everyone in [b:Saving Francesca 11103838 Saving Francesca Melina Marchetta https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1356068992l/11103838.SY75.jpg 18042740], The complicated family relationships and Tom as the protagonist raised the bar for this book. It's very commendable how the author takes cliché situations and turns them into something profound.Some parts didn't grip like the way most of the author's other books do. But i don't think that this story is meant to be read to be hooked in, but to understand and appreciate. Tom as a protagonist surprised me and he ended up being my favorite Marchetta character besides Froi.
This book blew me away! Seriously, every single page had me hooked, It had me pulling all-nighters, unable to put it down. The suspense was off the charts, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. And that ending? It left me craving more, I need the next book ASAP. The protagonist was an absolute joy to invest in and root for! It also helps that this book served up all my favorite fantasy tropes on a silver platter! Hands down, it's one of the best reads I've come across lately.