This book was a wild ride! I loved every moment of it. It really delved into the fascinating lore of liveships and their magic, but what surprised me the most was how much the characters grew. Malta, in particular, became my favorite point of view character. I can't help but wonder if Althea will eventually reclaim her liveship, and I'm definitely rooting for her and Brashen. Overall, a fantastic read!
The storytelling is absolutely brilliant! At first, I was worried because I missed Fitz. But I shouldn't have doubt the author's spectacular character work.
The characters in this book are seriously amazing. They were so well-developed and interesting. I found myself getting emotionally invested in their journeys, through all the ups and downs.
The idea of living ships and them having their own feelings was awesome. Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised by how seamlessly the author integrated these new concepts into the story.
Idk why but this series is so fun and easy to read. Also i'm a sucker for urban fantasy.
I love this book so much! Joscelin is my favorite in the series and it was delightful to read about his perceptive, especially how endearing his feelings towards Phedre where. I also loved his interactions with other characters such as Hyacinthe. The first part was so immersive, I enjoyed reading about his boyhood and his dynamic with Selwyn.
This book broke my heart to pieces and mend it back by the end. The distinctive personalities of the sisters and everything they went through was very realistic, and even though i found myself not rooting for some of the choices they made throughout their lives, I was still fascinated by their ability to bounce back from obstacles in life and the deep bond between each other. If you are like me who loves to read about semi-dysfunctional families with non-exaggerating drama, then look no further than this book.
I missed the grishaverse and most of all i missed The Darkling, just thinking it now, reading about The Darkling was always my favorite part in the shadow and bone trilogy. I was unfamiliar with this short story and i'm glad i experienced it with these phenomenal graphics.
Captivating and gripping. The book expertly weaves the themes of motherhood, intense politicking, cunning schemes, and shocking betrayals. I was thoroughly engrossed in the main conflicts and deeply invested in the journeys of the two remarkable heroines. The final chapter left me eagerly yearning for more.
To give credit where it's due, this book is not bad. Objectively speaking, it's a great, plot-dense sequel. it was simply not for me. the things I enjoyed in the first book are somehow missing and I found myself losing interest in the romance as much as the plot. I still like our main heroine, but I'm not sure I am liking the direction of the story despite how well-written it is. at this point, only more Hermes and perhaps a Daphne/Hermes romance might make me pick up the last book.
I still recommend this series to greek-myth lovers who are looking for an awesome adventure with an amazing heroine.
“That's the beauty of learning a new language. It should feel like an enormous undertaking. It ought to intimidate you. It makes you appreciate the complexity of the ones you know already.”
This book is a masterpiece, methinks. A Dark Academia game changer. It's masterfully crafted and it made me fall in love with linguistics more than I already do. It's a very thought-provoking and emotional story. I adored all the lessons about etymologies and the unique magical system.
“How strange,' said Ramy. ‘To love the stuff and the language, but to hate the country.”
“For how could there ever be an Adamic language? The thought now made him laugh. There was no innate, perfectly comprehensible language; there was no candidate, not English, not French, that could bully and absorb enough to become one. Language was just difference. A thousand different ways of seeing, of moving through the world. No; a thousand worlds within one. And translation – a necessary endeavour, however futile, to move between them.”
“You could rattle the stars,” she whispered. “You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That's what scares you most.”
“My eldest sister was right; I would smile blithely if someone tried to saw off my leg. But no one ever told me I was allowed to scream”
This book was so dark and twisted but surprisingly addictive. The prose emanates pure beauty and I immensely enjoyed this gothic, atmospheric fairytale. If you love unique retellings, horror, and witchy themes then you'll enjoy this. However, I can't stress enough how dark this book was, not your standard NA fantasy.
Update after reading book 3: 2.5 stars
Nothing wrong with the series, i do actually recommend it to all New Adult romance/fantasy lovers. I just realized that this series, despite the addictive writing, beautiful prose and complex characters, is just not for me. I have no interest in the main romance and it's not what i was rooting for. I know there's a lot in the story to love besides the romance, but the endgame choice for the heroine soured things for me.
First read: 3 stars
The writing, storytelling, and settings were so enchanting and very captivating. The haunting, bittersweet tone of the story is exactly what I seek in dark fantasy books.
There's so much growth when it comes to our main heroine, and her character development was immaculate in every way. The author does not do simple characters - they're all wonderful, complex, selfish, broken, and twisted in all the best ways. I'm thrilled that we got new perspectives in this book because the depth of the characters is exemplary and I found myself invested in each character's storyline.
As for the romance department, there's a progression in the relationships. More delicious angst and sexy scenes, but also heartfelt, emotional moments. It will definitely appeal to fans of NA dark fantasy romance. I'm also very interested in the new romantic subplots with the side characters! I would love to see more of them in the next book.
I wasn't huge on the main romantic dynamic for Orlaith but I do, however, like the characters individually and I'm rooting for Orlaith to find the happiness she deserves, I mean she will, right? Because the ending delivered emotional damage.
I know I already mentioned how good the characters are but I can't stress enough how amazing our heroine is. Orlaith's character is wonderful. You can feel her emotion, rage, guilt, and triumph. She's just wonderful and an absolute badass.
The book twists all over the place, the tension is always there, I was literally on the edge of my seat when I was reading the final parts. Some of the unanswered questions are unraveled but more mysteries are yet to be revealed, this, mixed with continuing Orlaith's journey to bloom, is the perfect dose for looking forward to the next book!
I'm glad there will be more books in this world, very excited about this series and where the author is going to take us next!
“Mercy was more frightening than murder, because it was harder.”
A solid good read. I thought it was unique and even though not much happens regarding the plot, i still enjoyed every part. The characters are likeable too, especially Po. The romance takes a back seat but it's so good and endearing. I also liked the seven kingdoms conflicts and the graces concept.
Nothing wrong with this. It just didn't do anything for me and the characters irritated me most of the time.
This was compulsively readable.
I've been reading a lot of YA fantasy lately and they somehow blurred together at some point. But this book takes a refreshing, unique approach. It's not everyday we get morally grey characters and a dashing time travel adventure, so this was utterly delightful.
I liked the structure of the story, the monster families and their powers, the secrets that are yet to unravel, i simply can't wait where things will go from here.
I found myself invested in the characters. Joan is a very likeable heroine, she's mentally strong and proactive with so much room to grow. Also we don't have many biracial protagonists so this was a treat. Ruth was such a fun character and her support for Joan was heartwarming. My most favorite character is Aaron. I was enjoying the chemistry between him and Joan a lot throughout the book. I simply need more of him in the next book.
There's something about the writing that can swoop you in. Many parts were thrilling and fast-paced, it was hard to put the book down without knowing what will happen next. It's amazing that this is the author's debut novel. I enjoyed it thoroughly and i'm very excited for the sequel.
Very entertaining and political intriguing. Each character perspective was interesting to follow. Although i did prefer one sister over the other. The twists and turns in the last chapters were Suspenseful. I'm very interested to see the direction the story will take.
I'm so emotional right now! Like what is this ending? My poor Fitz only knows suffering.
I'm glad there are more stories in this world because I honestly can't get enough.
A very emotive sequel. It will be a while before I can get over this.
Also, reading this made me realize that I enjoy character-driven fantasy stories. The political intrigues and navigation in this book were so interesting with the focus on Fitz and his dynamic with the characters.
I liked Fitz as a protagonist in the first book, but I came to love him in this sequel. His narration is brilliant, flaws and all. I loved basically every interactions he had with the characters, especially with Burrich or Nighteyes.
Very excited to finish this trilogy! Even though I know I'll be emotionally damaged.
I'm not good at articulating my feelings. I will just say that I had plethora of emotions reading this. Can't wait to continue the journey.