64 Books
See allI have read this book many times and it will always remain a favourite. This is probably the purest novel Hemingway wrote, concentrating as it does on one man doing the only thing he can do, trusting in himself while maintaining a deep respect for the world around him, and facing up to the hardships the world throws at him.
If you only read one Hemingway novel, it should be this one.
A fast-paced fantasy that manages to balance light and dark. I am looking forward to any future continuation.
Not sure whether to give this 3 or 4 stars. On the one hand it is a very good exercise of norse-themed world-building; on the other hand not much really happens, other than to move all the pieces into position for the third and final book. People do a lot of travelling, and much blood is spilt, but it could have all been done in a much shorter book.
If you liked the first book and want more of the same world, this is exactly what you are looking for. However, if you want a dynamic plot, you might be sorely disappointed. This is not Brandon Sanderson. Hopefully the final book, when it appears, will bring things to a crashing, satisfying conclusion, although I do slightly dread a drawn-out plod through the world before we get there.
This was interesting, with what felt like a unique take on the space opera genre (the slightly more mature main characters were a nice touch). While most of the prose was very good, with a nice turn of phrase, there was the occasional rushed scene that felt a little "boy's own", although not enough to detract from the overall story. In summary, very good and I am curious about the next in the series (and indeed, the wider series).