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Paul's Books by Status

204 Books

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Bach: Music in the Castle of Heaven
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed
Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How It Affects Us All
Quiet : The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
The Brothers Karamazov
The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England
The Hero of Ages

Paul's Most Popular Reviews

“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.” - J. Dewey

January 23, 2019

Deeply haunting. A read that is both profoundly unique and universal. Slight supernatural elements that weren't the focal point of the story or obnoxious. Imagery for engraining.

May 17, 2019

Ah! A circus book. These are always nice, aren't they? There's some romance, some kind tender moments, some razzle dazzle! No, not in this one. This one just made me sad. All worth it to read that final couple of lines.

April 9, 2021

A sad declaration. I am confused as to what it means (I'd love to discuss it with my brother), but I enjoyed reading it. Went through the thing quickly. Easy to read, funny and charming. I'm reminded of a Tobias Fünke quote, but that's a spoiler.

December 17, 2018