Finished in one sitting of 2 hours. Breezy read, with a easy-on-the-eyes writing style. Pretty hilarious sometimes. Although, after the whole ordeal, I was like ‘What the hell did I just read.' Anyways a fun way to pass your time.

November 9, 2017

Read a few sections of this book. Explains financial jargon in an engaging manner. More suited for beginner investors, those just starting out in the market. Has a US outlook towards all topics.
Better to skim through this book for topics you need a primer on, rather than read cover to cover.

January 21, 2019
July 26, 2019
July 27, 2019
October 26, 2019
March 10, 2019

A quick take on leadership and actions in business, through quotation and inspiration from well known Indian texts and stories.

September 14, 2019

Excellent chronicle of the life of the Indian revolutionionary. Cutting across different topics like his childhood, life journey, veracity of conspiracy theories about Subhas Bose, and finally, about recent events regarding declassification of intelligence files about him.

January 29, 2020

A breezy read. Leaves you feeling light and pleasant. More of an introduction or invitation to the programs Isha Foundation offers. One can also make use of the Sadhguru app to get started with the ideas described in the book.

February 27, 2019
August 15, 2019

A quick read of about 90 pages. Written by a prolific Blogger, this book contains many nuggets of wisdom among the personal experiences of the author. Useful thoughts about routines, mindset, money and habits.

January 16, 2020
September 22, 2019

Two hour read at the most. Packed with insights on building your body and getting your health back up from any stage. Tried and tested advice from a veteran in the industry who's done all the ground work for you. A lot of good actionable advice on diet.

November 21, 2019
February 27, 2020

An breezy read about the journey of a journalist. Full of puns and real incidents that will crack you up more than once in public. An irreverent tale of volatile career growth and intra-office exchanges. The writing style is honest, genuine and conversational. Fantastic one-time read!

July 17, 2019
November 13, 2019

A nifty little book. Contains many treatises on meditation, learning, health and inner peace. Having read the authors' previous book Ready Study Go, the language was familiar. The smattering of Sri Sri Ravishankar quotes adds to the book.

February 28, 2020

A highly approachable and easy introduction to the works of Adi Shankaracharya. The book is like a curated version of his verses, categorised for the seeker's better understanding. Opens one up to reading further works by Adi Shankaracharya.

February 19, 2020
November 4, 2019

The best book on entrepreneurship I've read so far. A delightful mixture of autobiography and advice, the author takes you through his life journey, his trials and successes, and even a bunch of checklists which you need to possess before you startup.

February 13, 2020
September 14, 2019
October 25, 2019
December 25, 2019

Absolute seminal work. Innumerable insights on personal finance.

March 8, 2020

Superb book with insights on how to live your life well, have a good career, be an effective leader, and the importance of family.

March 30, 2020