Wow! I'm done and already looking forward to the next book. A bit worried about the withdrawal syndrome after 2 months of immersion in lives of all those characters. What an amazing read!
Shot book with very basic information in it. Good quick read if you want to get an idea what Redis is and what to use it for.
Good, quick introduction to Go. The first half tries to be an introduction to programming in general but the second half makes too many assumptions to serve that purpose. It definitely helped me translating idioms from other languages into Go-speak. It's hard to regret the time spent reading such a short book but I feel it was worth it regardless.
Ugh... This book didn't age well. The murder mystery drowns in the political/religious/historical background, irrelevant to main plot. Personally, I also found it hard to read something narrated by a deeply religious character.
Awful book. Feels more like somebody's notes from learning the language than a book written by an expert on it. Full of typos and other language error. The only redeeming quality is the amount of information covered.
It is the “go to” Ruby book for a reason. If you want to learn Ruby (why wouldn't you?) you pretty much HAVE to read it. A number for things that I didn't quite understand earlier, have just “clicked” when reading this book. I definitely feel like knowledge I got from it was worth the time spend reading this book.
If you're a complete complete Ruby novice (like me) you will want to read straight through the first 3 parts. Part 4 is a dry Ruby Library Reference, so you may want to leave that out until you need something specific from it.
If you know a bit about Ruby and programming in general you may simply refer to specific chapters for help in understanding specific topics. The chapter on metaprogramming is a doozy. :-)
An interesting read for many reason but most of all for giving the reader a view of how Tesla perceived himself and the “role” he had to play in this world. Makes you wish he could live now and have all possible resources at his disposal.
Rubbish. If not for all the information about art and history it would a complete waste of time.