2 Venom (2016) (Single Issues)
#1 of 2 in The Last Siege (single issues)
#1-6 of 1 in Naomi
#2 of 2 in Batman: White Knight
4 Spider-Woman (2015) (Single Issues)
#2 of 24 in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2 The Mighty Captain Marvel (Single Issues)
1 Miles Morales: Spider-Man (Single Issues)
#2 of 7 in Sunstone
#1 of 9 in The Wicked + The Divine (Issues)
#3 of 24 in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3 Rick and Morty (2015) (Single Issues)
2 West Coast Avengers (2018) (Single Issues)
2 Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (Single Issues)
2 West Coast Avengers (2018) (Single Issues)
#4 of 24 in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
#2 of 3 in She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot
#3 of 17 in Faithless
#5 of 24 in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler
#1 of 1 in Wynonna Earp: Season Zero
#1 of 1 in Modern Fantasy
2 Deadpool (2019) (Single Issues)
3 Doctor Aphra (2016) (Single Issues)
DC Universe: Rebirth
#1-6 of 4 in X-23 (2010) (Single Issues)
#1 of 2 in Batman: The Ultimate Evil
#2 of 2 in Batman: The Ultimate Evil
#1 of 8 in Harry Potter
#1 of 1 in Justice League (2016) (Single Issues)
#2.5 of 3 in Dusk Queen
#1 of 4 in Fire Power (Single Issues)
#-1 of 7 in Wonder Woman (2016) (Single Issues)
#3 of 6 in The Red Mother (single issues)
#1 of 7 in DCeased: Dead Planet
1 Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre
#1 of 1 in Coming Of Rage
3 Uncanny Inhumans (Single Issues)
Futures End: One-Shots