Not the best choice to follow-up Seneca with. Few paragraphs that will go in my journal, for sure, but overall, I felt lost within the words and historic examples... maybe I will pick up an annotated edition in the future.
Didn't expect this to be a short story collection so I was blown away after the first one just ended?
From everything I've read and watched regarding the Holocaust, Primo Levi's words are among the most dehumanizing.
Left me so cold and wondering how far we are from this reality, or maybe we are living it without even knowing it...
I don't think I've read more vivid descriptions than these, but still, a bit too much sometimes.
This brain of ours is really strange sometimes, but hey, we at least get to have musicogenic epilepsy (the most intriguing case from this book).
Kind of a bummer to be honest... the concept of nature taking revenge on humanity is so up my alley, but it's incredible how little of that is explored, focusing more on astrology because crazy old lady protagonist :)
A very personal read, with insights on one of the best filmmakers ever from the man himself. With bits and pieces from behind the scenes of his famous (and not so famous) films, but also a lot of internal monologues and emotional breakdowns.
I was always a fan of Backman's style, heartwarming stories with charming characters, so I see it fit for his magnum opus (from what I've read) to be among my favorites.
I'm not sure how to feel about it, the whole letter idea is very intriguing, but the execution and lack of Miss Marple (she's in the book for like, 10 pages?) left me wanting a bit more. The Poirot series doesn't compare to Marple (maybe because Agatha likes for Marple to not even be in her own series?) from what I've read till now...
Inca o carte SF relativ realista, daca as putea spune asta... nu sunt extraterestrii care vor sa invadeze planeta, nu sunt roboti care preiau lumea, doar un simplu om de stiinta care doreste sa ajunga mai departe decat altii, dar spiritualitatea il impiedica.
Mai mult un 3.5/5
Ca si o piesa de teatru in mai multe acte, doar ca nu e o piesa de teatru... e greu sa descriu aceasta carte.
As fi vrut sa scriu ca si Charlie la inceput, dar mi-am dat seama ca nu pot. Daca nu se incurca pe la mijloc, era un 5/5 din tot sufletul.
Story : At first, this book gave me a vibe of Arrival, the movie, and I loved it! After these aliens get familiar with humans, the adventure just begun. Near the end of the book I was wondering why Clarke decided to go with this stroyline, but the final pages explained everything and it was perfect! One of my favorite elements of this book is how the Overlords try to explain our world through our history... interesting approach.
Characters : I want an Overlord... they are so kind and smart. The humans are humans and of course they want to eliminate what is unknown to them, but the aliens are much more intelligent than us. Our main characters are fine, didn't really cared what would happen to them... I liked Jan tho.
Overall : Amazing story about aliens coming on Earth, trying to save us from ourselves... it's funny how in almost every Hollywood movie, they try to destroy us because... I don't know, I can't see the logic in doing that.
Story: Intriguing story that makes you feel a lot of things
Characters: Adam, Zeus and Hannibal are really good, but the rest are kinda forgettable
Overall: A book that has a lot of things going for it, but after a while, it gets kinda boring
(I'll re-read this in a couple of weeks because of a project and maybe after some studies on it, it will grow on me)
I wonder how can you think about writing a book with a romance that starts because one kid is suicidal? Also, it's not cute to be suicidal... at least it's not written like a porn video (yeah, Caraval, I'm looking at you).
Mai mult un 3.5/5
Nu pot spune ca imi este usor sa citesc scenarii de genul, deoarece pot sa devina foarte inconfortabile, dar imi place stilul lui Margaret Atwood. Cu siguranta o sa mai incerc povestioare de la ea ;)
Cum sa scrii o carte in care Miss Marple e “detectivul” principal, dar ea nici macar nu e in jumatate din carte? O vreau pe Miss Marple, nu pe ceva detectiv de buget...
Fredrik Backman, te rog frumos sa nu mai inveti lumea sa dea ciocolata la caini, deoarece poate fi mortala. Multumesc!
Revenind, partile cu lumea magica m-au pierdut ici-colo, dar in rest, o poveste draguta cu o fetita megadragalasa ;) (cam ca si O intamplare ciudata cu un caine la miezul noptii)
Drumul spre noapte 3/5
Omul cel cald 4/5
Sa vezi omul invizibil 4/5
Al saselea palat 3/5
Mustele 3/5
Hawksbill Station 4/5
Pasagerii 4/5
Aripi de noapte 3/5
Dansul Soarelui 4/5
Vesti bune de la Vatican 3/5
Total: 3.5/5 (unele povesti merita un pic mai mult, deci nota se indreapta spre un 4/5)