141 Books
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3,356 booksWhen you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...
13 booksWhat books inspired you to take action and dream of a better future for politics and the world ? This could be literally about politics, government, or social structure or it could be about a rela...
A humourous and light hearted read about a guy who just wanted to get out on his feet and learn more about the people impacted by the oil industry.
As a through hiker and environmentalist myself I loved it and it inspired me to do my own environmental exploration.
Amazing! I don't know how I didn't read this earlier. I am huge fan of urban fantasy and this is certainly a genre defining classic in the genre.
Gaiman did a wonderful job of intertwining the city of London we all know and love with a part hidden from view. It was done in such a way that you are left wondering if maybe that beggar on the street, that empty tram cabin, or that scurrying rat are really signs of something more.
Umm .. just read this book if you love fantasy. I can't believe it took me so long to start the series.
The first season of Amazon's series follows this book. If you have watched the TV series and are confused then reading this book will make everything much much much clearer. The book and series start and end at basically exactly the same place so don't worry about spoiler one or the other by reading/watching the first book/season. The more minor plot lines of the TV series deviate wildly from the book and generally not in a good way but they mostly fold back into the same end result and ready for you to start book 2/season 2.
TL;DRRead it. If you enjoyed the TV series then definitely read it. If you didn't enjoy the TV series then this will probably make you mad about the weird changes, but still read it.
I loved the whole getting the band back together vibe. Perfect blend of humour and fantasy elements .
The concept of magical manipulation of man made materials was cool. The book itself though was just okay - I would have loved to have had way more magic and ways less dwelling on mostly irrelevant memories.