113 Books
See allIt's better to know what you are doing when playing poker. Especially the part about the pot odds was very interesting.
Creatures from mythical stories are hunting three village boys. With the help of notorious withes and their warriors they have to run from minions of the dark lord.
This series is famous for imitating the Lord of the Rings. I think the general idea of the WOT is identical to LOTRS. Some young innocent boys are forced to save the world. The best warriors and magicians are there to help. The evil dark lord is getting stronger everyday and the grave responsibility of saving the world falls on the shoulder of our young and inexperienced heroes. They have to travel across the world and overcome dire obstacles.
This book is very slow paced. Often you have to refer to the glossary to understand what is going on because there is a lot of characters and places haven't been explained before. This could be a tiresome work for many readers. Also in most parts of the book nothing important or interesting happens and I found myself drifting off. Of course there are some intense parts but they are very few. The conclusion is very brief and vague.
I really want to read the books that Brandon Sanderson has written otherwise I would not read the rest of the series. Since this book took a lot of effort for me to read I am not going to read the next books right away. Maybe one or two book a year.
This book is kind of like Hayao Miyazaki's movies. When the world is gonna end and nobody can't stop it. But in the last moments something unusual happens and saves everything. I generally don't like this kind of endings. But in this case it wasn't that bad. Mostly because the author tried to answer all of the questions and left nothing unexplained. However I sometimes felt he is over explaining things. Saying things over and over again like every time he mentioned Rashek he had to explain who was Rashek.
The thing I liked the most about this trilogy was its multiple POVs.
I didn't count but I think this book had at least a dozen POV's. It was nice to see things from a koloss point of view :D
Second Reading:
The final book in this amazing trilogy. I have to say it is perfect. The gradual revelation of information not only saves this book but also make it perfect. Most of the time in series like this the author makes the mistake of revealing all the secrets at the end of the last book. I admit that almost all the critical info was saved for the last book but Sanderson reveals them throughout the book.
The amazing thing is I don't like vin and I don't know why. I also don't like Elend just because he is too perfect. The only character I really liked was kelsier and we all know what happened to him.
If you are not a fan of young adult books and vampire stuff you wont like this book. It is practically about a bunch of teenage girls in school and their relationship with their boyfriends.