2.5 stars.
It's very difficult for me to rate classics.
How can I even rate a work that was written so long ago?
Overall Beowulf was a nice read, hinting at historical relationships between different populations. I had barely little fun reading it. There is no character depth or characterization. I would recommend this reading for personal purposes or if you have a passion for classics, not if you expect it to be enjoyable.
2021: Rated down to 3 stars. I could not connect to the characters and did not enjoy the Western atmosphere.
1,75 stars for that 15% of the book where I was looking for a nice plot and information about the world.
The rest was just sex, from the first to the last sentence.
You might ask yourself why I am even reading this. Well, years ago I read the lords of deliverance series and I loved it. So I wanted to know the events that led to that series and the background of the secondary characters. That's why. Now I am not even sure if I should waste my time going through books 4 and 5. Btw, I even bought all the series in paper copy and I feel sorry to give away those books without even read them.
4.5 stars for the cuteness. I noticed the narration has improved from the first book, adding a little bit more depth to the characters. However, it still lacks world depth. Magic is still something happening somehow without explanation. The connection between Ezran and animals is treated very superficially. I would love to see the narration taking some steps further and becoming more mature. So far it's clear that the target in mind is children or middle grade. The public is not only composed by kids and, yeah personally, I would love to have more explanations about magic and characters relationship with it.
I won't understand people who rate a book before it even comes out.
3.5 stars.
Well written book with a very interesting story. However, characters were pretty flat.
3.75 stars.
Finally the series got closer to the lords of deliverance: more focused on plot and characterization. I liked Ideas and Lore very much.
Only con: being a Paranormal romance with quite of sex thrown out all over the place.
3.5 Stars.
Grafica: 5 stars
Story/plot: 2 stars, mostly absent.
Characters: 4 stars. Very good introductory characterization.
As a fan of dragon, this book was a great addition for my library.
It's a sort of encyclopedia about them, focusing on the dragons and Dragon-Killers of the past. It includes records of myths from all over the world and illustrations drawn by the author himself.
Highly recommended to every dragon lover!
4.5 stars
This book is not a bad one. It just happened to me the worst thing it could be possibly happen to any reader: I had no connection or interest for the characters and the story.
I still would recommend to try it out for yourself, though.
This volume was unfortunately too boring and stagnant. Also, I don't see where all the story will be going.
I chuckled very often and I enjoyed the humour so much. It helped me see the game under a new perspective.
I would recommend it only if you have played elden ring, otherwise you'll miss the context and information about the characters and I guess it will be hard to understand the humour as well.
I have read this book because a friend of mine lend me her copy of this book. I am sure that without her influence I would have never approached any bridgerton book. I have enjoyed the TV show but it's not a genre that I would enjoy reading.
Said that, the books started out fine. I enjoyed Simon and Daphne but my opinion changed after they married. Daphne behaves out of character to get what she wants, which made me despise her.
2.5 stars.
The premise was interesting and original, but I could not stand the “gné gné” childish tone anymore.
Libro ben strutturato che fornisce una introduzione all'innovativa filosofia di Alexa Capra che cerca di coniugare le nozioni scientifiche sui cani e la sua esperienza pratica.
I concetti esposti fanno riflettere e stimolano ad aprire la mente e a vedere in maniera più profonda.
La base di partenza è osservare il cane, descriverne I comportamenti e il contesto, e farsi delle domande. Sicuramente l'autrice è riuscita ad esporre bene comecambaire mentalità nel nostro modo ai approcciarsi ai cani.
Purtroppo però gli esercizi non sono spiegati in maniera chiara e sono difficili da implementare. Alcuni concetti teorici sarebbero potuti essere approfonditi ulteriormente come la parte sociale del cane.
Spero che il suo libro più recente sviluppi e approfondisca ulteriormente i concetti introdotti in questo libro e che gli esercizi siano spiegati in maniera più chiara con qualche troubleshooting (ad esempio, come comportarsi se il cane prova a prendere ciò che gli è gradito quando non dovrebbe).
Volume dedicato praticamente al combattimento contro un singolo demone. Ovviamente non mi ha preso di tanto
3.5 Stelle. Il fatto che ancora una volta le donne vengano sessualizzate (capitolo 86) mi fa innervosire
4.5 stars.
Probably the best novella I have ever read. Innovative take on a fairy tale with an original main character. The writing was very well thought, but I had difficulty with the flashback time changing. A clear explanation (i.e. past or present) would have done the job.
3.5 stars.
I wanted to love this book so badly because I was enchanted by the premise, but here we go.
Plot and pacing:
So, what I liked was the part 1 and 4. In the first part, we get to know our main cast, Yumi and Painter, and their respective world. It took me some time to put all the information pieces together due to the constant change of point of view between the two of them. Brandon did his best to make the descriptions rich and vivid, though. I adored the japanese/korean spiritual vibes.
Part 2 and 3 cover the story that sees Yumi and Paint connected to each other, trying to figure out the reasons. The pacing here was off for me. The plot did not hold a grip on me and I had difficulties to see where the clues would lead. I am not sure if it was just me or was meant to be like that because in part 4 we have Hoid explaining how everything precisely went from beginning to end. One reason I loved this final part was all the juicy cosmere information, but on the other hand, it left me with the feeling I didn't really need to read parts 2 and 3. I was not happy with how all the plot, clues, and mystery were handled.
I felt like the stakes were never high enough. I did not feel any suspense or the dark atmosphere that I was expecting from a planet surrounded by a black layer and walking nightmares.
The main cast was very well developed but the side characters were just forgettable, besides Design and Hoid, whom we meet in other Cosmere books as well. I loved Yumi's development, where she starts learning what freedom means. Their romance was very cute.
The noodle shop run by Design was everything, haha :D
Design and Hoid saved this book for me.
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