2025 is going to be the year of utilizing my local library again. This was a heavy read to start off the year, and sadly, it is still relevant today. 14 different perspectives, some more heavy than others. Books like this should be required reading.
2025 is going to be the year of utilizing my local library again. This was a heavy read to start off the year, and sadly, it is still relevant today. 14 different perspectives, some more heavy than others. Books like this should be required reading.
2025 is going to be the year of utilizing my local library again. This was a heavy read to start off the year, and sadly, it is still relevant today. 14 different perspectives, some more heavy than others. Books like this should be required reading.
2025 is going to be the year of utilizing my local library again. This was a heavy read to start off the year, and sadly, it is still relevant today. 14 different perspectives, some more heavy than others. Books like this should be required reading.
Added to listPhysical Books- Need to Readwith 24 books.