


2012 • 1 Reader • 223 pages


The Culture Industry

2001 • 20 Readers • 228 pages 4


Critique of Cynical Reason

1983 • 9 Readers • 600 pages


Thus Spoke Zarathustra

1883 • 433 Readers • 356 pages 3.8


Phänomenologie des Geistes

1973 • 94 Readers • 621 pages 4


The Concept of the Political

#1 of 2 in Der Begriff des Politischen

1927 • 26 Readers • 158 pages 3.7


The Communist Manifesto

1848 • 460 Readers • 51 pages 3.4


The Diary of a Young Girl

1944 • 1,603 Readers • 111 pages 4

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From Caligari to Hitler

1947 • 16 Readers • 440 pages 4

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Commandant of Auschwitz : The Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess

1956 • 5 Readers • 256 pages 4.5



Cover 7

1916 • 2 Readers • 59 pages


Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

1844 • 11 Readers • 243 pages 4


The Sandman

1815 • 53 Readers • 76 pages 3.8

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Blood and Honor

2016 • 1 Reader • 288 pages


The Storyteller

2016 • 1 Reader • 240 pages


A Obra de Arte na Era de Sua Reprodutibilidade Técnica - Volume 1. Coleção L&PM Pocket

#16 of 4 in Werke und Nachlaß. Kritische Gesamtausgabe

1936 • 22 Readers 4


Death in Venice

1912 • 133 Readers • 160 pages 3.7


The Rings of Saturn

1995 • 101 Readers • 296 pages 4.5


On the Concept of History

#19 of 4 in Werke und Nachlaß. Kritische Gesamtausgabe

1940 • 2 Readers 5


The Glass Bead Game

1943 • 156 Readers • 578 pages 3.8


The Journey to the East

2003 • 27 Readers • 117 pages 3.8