

Seonghyun Cho

Joineda year ago

Soccer lover, bird watcher, chess piece blunderer



Location:Atlanta, GA

Seonghyun Cho's Books by Status

43 Books

See all
Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Football Tactics
Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982
Masters of Modern Soccer: How the World's Best Play the Twenty-First-Century Game
Soccernomics: Why England Loses; Why Germany, Spain, and France Win; and Why One Day Japan, Iraq, and the United States Will Become Kings of the World's ... the Kings of the World's Most Popular Sport
Stillness and Speed: My Story
The Travel Book
My Autobiography

Seonghyun Cho's Most Popular Reviews

More like 3.5 stars - for all the criticism male writers get about describing women, this whole relationship between Patroclus and Achilles felt the same

Also Achilles has a personality that of a non-stick pan throughout

Great intro and great ending, but the middle is so stagnant

August 29, 2023
August 11, 2023
March 3, 2023

3.5 stars - It was reading someone's stream of consciousness mixed with a runner's high.

I do need to go grab my running shoes and start running again

November 13, 2023

As an LA Galaxy and David Beckham hater this warmed my heart

September 1, 2023