43 Books
See allMore like 3.5 stars - for all the criticism male writers get about describing women, this whole relationship between Patroclus and Achilles felt the same
Also Achilles has a personality that of a non-stick pan throughout
Great intro and great ending, but the middle is so stagnant
If you've been inside a kitchen, then you'll find Bourdain's anecdotes as a bit of a throwback. Highly entertaining regardless of whether you have experience, but as someone who grew up around a kitchen, I would've loved to trade stories with him.
That being said, I was not a huge fan of a lack of chronological order throughout the book as it felt Bourdain was getting a stream of consciousness out of him.
Reading Go Set a Watchman while knowing the context behind the publishing controversy as well as it being the first failed draft prior to To Kill a Mockingbird, this book, while filled with good story telling of our Scout's past anecdotes, disappointed overall still.
Moreover, I was disappointed by the ending especially as it felt Scout just acquiesced to Hank/her father/Maycomb's opinions, and showed no conviction besides proclaiming her thoughts.
As someone who grew up in rural Georgia, I found it fascinating and haunting that a lot of the rhetorics you find about racism throughout the book are still argued today.
3.5 stars - It was reading someone's stream of consciousness mixed with a runner's high.
I do need to go grab my running shoes and start running again