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32 Books
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3,356 booksWhen you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...
7 books🦧 Some of my favourite books that I would heartily recommend.
8 books👁️🗨️ Whether you call them BD, fumetti, historietas, manga or comics, these are some of my favourite works in this genre that I would heartily recommend.
Contains spoilers
Like many others, I really enjoyed "The Martian" when it came out. I made a pass over Andy Weir's second book, as I heard discordant opinions about it around me. But reading the abstract of "Project Hail Mary", I decided to give it a go.
Well, it turns out (like somebody else already reviewed elsewhere on HC*) that Weir seems to be a one-trick pony as a writer. Don't get me wrong: it's a pretty good trick and he writes nicely: this book really is a page-turner, the plot twists are all here where you expect them!
And that for me seems to be the problem: it's a little bit too expected. However enjoyable as a summer read, and however attaching the character of the alien is, Weir is no A.C. Clarke.
At least for me, once read this book will join the second-hand bins at the local bookshop. It does not call for a re-read. Pity!
A more than honest page-turner, Chris Hadfield can certainly communicate and write compellingly. Being quite a fan of the Apollo era and project, I was rather curious to read this book written by a former astronaut, and in this sense it did not disappoint!
The plot is interesting and the twists well weaved in. I had a bit more difficulty in getting to care for the main character, except in the prologue - perhaps the fact that a lot of the action happened in a separate setting, and that he did not seem to have a major function until the end, did not help. Let's say I do not feel compelled to read another Kaz book.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to read a story set in that era without the usual manicheism. It's not a simple "us vs. them" trope. And the space travel parts have a particular sense of realism about them, being written from an author who experienced some of those sensations as an astronaut himself.
All in all, a good book! I do not know yet if I would reread it again, though.
Contains spoilers
Donné par un ami, rapidement lu et je le remettrai aussitôt dans une boîte à livres.
Non, ce livre ne m'a pas accroché, mais il a tout de même un point intéressant en sa faveur: l'auteur réussit à nous faire ressentir un peu d'empathie pour le personnage principal, qui pourtant est un criminel.
Il est plutôt bien écrit et pourra certainement plaire à d'autres, mais ce n'est pas le genre de roman noir qui me charme.
In seguito ad un incontro con Ivonne, la protagonista di questo libro-intervista, mia moglie ha avuto il piacere di riceverne una copia a lei dedicata da questa donna straordinaria. Ed ecco come mi sono ritrovato a leggere le memorie di Ivonne, la cui mente è ancora acuta ed alerta.
La prima parte del libro è probabilmente la più interessante, ma anche la più dura. Sotto forma d'intervista, essa ricorda il percorso di una ragazza che si è trovata ad entrare a far parte del movimento partigiano durante la liberazione dell'Italia, fu fatta prigioniera, torturata e infine liberata. Sconvolgente!
La seconda parte è forse meno emozionalmente avvincente, poichè ritraccia in modo essenzialmente cronologico il percorso politico, sociale ed anche un po' personale, di Ivonne dopo la guerra. In realtà, io ho provato interesse anche nel leggere questa seconda parte; c'è da dire che però non sono Italiano, e quindi per me parecchi aspetti storici erano una scoperta.
Ivonne: partigiana, politica, Italiana. Ma soprattutto una donna eccezionale che ci offre generosamente la storia della sua vita affinchè le generazioni che seguono la sua non dimentichino certe pagine buie della storia.