706 Books
See allThe watercolor/gouache/collage illustrations were terrific. I also liked the dip pen writing style employed throughout the book. The story was interesting though I felt it could have been more exciting.
This book is essential to understanding the basics of the Thoth Tarot. The LWB that comes with the deck is incredibly obtuse and short when compared to the amount of sheer data that each card includes. It's a obtuse book as well... part of the reason is that it's old and uses terms to describe things that we use other terms for nowadays. [bc:Absolute Promethea 6272009 Absolute Promethea Alan Moore http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266608682s/6272009.jpg 6455354]Another terrific companion to the Thoth Tarot (believe it!) Alan Moore's graphic novel [b:Absolute Promethea 6272009 Absolute Promethea Alan Moore http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266608682s/6272009.jpg 6455354]. A huge chunk of the story involves a deep exploration of the Tree of Life through the symbolism of the Thoth Tarot and Crowley.
An excellent overview on the current state of CSS3. The book focuses on the CSS3 features that are supported by most up-to-date browsers today and how to use them in a inessential way – ensuring not to break anything for older browsers.I'd consider myself of intermediate to advanced understanding of CSS and had no problem understanding everything in the book though I had never used CSS3 prior to reading this. Those who are beginners might try [b:Zen of CSS Design 565 The Zen of CSS Design Visual Enlightenment for the Web (Voices That Matter) Dave Shea http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1157058871s/565.jpg 4821] followed by [b:CSS Mastery 563 CSS Mastery Advanced Web Standards Solutions Andy Budd http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1157058871s/563.jpg 4819].
This book gave me a great overview of what I was missing in my site planning skills, planning content and working with it structurally, as well as from a marketing perspective. I found some of the book hard to get through - I think the second chapter - and almost gave it up. I think part of it is I was expecting a lighter book - the other two A Book Apart books have pictures, video, code, and examples. The Elements of Content Strategy is about the same length but packed full of text.