Rereading Harry Potter books its always a good idea, I'm so happy a took the decision to reread The Goblet of Fire during COVID-19 quarantine; the news are full of sad and terrifying histories but Hogwarts always fells like home. Some of the words of a well-known wizard about the importance of unity on the face of hard times really spoke to me on the current situation.
Whether you are a lifelong potterhead or not this is a really good book, full of magic, great plot and super interesting magical creatures (with a little pinch of teenage romance).
So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! yet a little bit predictable, but still heart warming.
I would rate as a 3.5.
Simplemente genial, un libro atrapante que no vas a querer soltar hasta llegar a su conclusión. Muy recomendado para una persona que busca una lectura corta pero de gran calidad, ideal para leer con amigos ya que se presta a divertidos debates de opiniones y teorías.
No voy a ponerle una calificación porque es un trabajo no terminado. Si está bien o mal que se publicara, no soy quién para decirlo.
Gabriel te extrañamos mucho, pero te recordamos más.
I was curious to read this shorts histories since they are inspired on Truman's memories from childhood and I must say that that they didn't disappoint, you can feel the magic that a child's eyes can hold since the narrator for this memories is Buddy (seven-year-old boy). It was perfect to get into the Christmas's spirit.
Rating: 4.5 only because this are short histories.
Great book, the last 200 pages blow my mind. I'm totally looking forward to start the next book in the serie.
Brandon Sanderson nos presenta una fantasía épica con una protagonista femenina que contiene un sistema de magia brillante. Este libro toca no solamente temas fantásticos si no que invita al lector a reflexionar con los temas sociales, económicos y políticos propios de este universo. Mi única critica a esta lectura es que a mi gusto el final del libro pareció un poco precipitado (claro esta es mi percepción) y que debido a la complejidad del universo la primera parte del libro puede parecer un poco lenta quedando a su final algunas preguntas sin responder, sin embargo, esto tiene sentido ya que este libro es la primera entrega de una trilogía
¿Continuare leyendo esta saga? La respuesta es sí, me gustaría continuar explorando el Cosmere. Le daria en general un 3.5.
Brandon Sanderson presents us with an epic fantasy with a female protagonist that contains a brilliant magic system. This book doesn't talk exclusively of fantastic/magical topics, but also invites the reader to reflect on the social, economic and political issues typical of this universe. My only criticism of this reading is that in my opinion the end of the book seemed a bit hasty (of course this is my perception) and that due to the complexity of the universe the first part of the book may seem a bit slow leaving some questions without answering at the end, however, this makes sense since this book is the first installment of a trilogy
Will I continue reading this saga? The answer is yes, I would like to continue exploring the Cosmere. For this book it is a 3.5 in my opinion.
When you re read a cherish book of your childhood there is always the fear that it will not be the same and maybe you would not be as impressed or happy about it. Harry Potter is timeless, I will always feel the warm in my heart that I felt back then, the first time.
This is a quick and beautiful read with a very important message, family comes in many forms.
Esta lectura rápida y hermosa trae consigo un mensaje muy importante, la familia puede venir en todas las formas.
I really loved, George created a marvelous world full of wonders with strong and unforgettable characters.
Tengo una sensación confusa hacia este libro, debo admitir que me tuvo enganchada y provoco muchos sentimientos en mi, la mayoría de ellos nada positivos... el libro se desarrolla de tal manera que las cosas se van saliendo de control y el resultado es brutal... creo que en suma vale la pena leerlo, te hace reflexionar, sin embargo le di una puntuación de tres estrellas, como dije, me siento confundida.