Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam
A great way to quickly learn a new topic. This book got right to the content and did so in a way that was engaging and effective. This book was great for filling in the holes I had in my understanding of Java WebApps.
Not the greatest book in “The Chronicles of Narnia”, but still worth reading to my son.
This book was Awesome! One of the most enjoyable books I have read and will now hold a place at the top of my list. It was fun and full of gaming and geek references that made me laugh and smile. I also now have a list of books, movies, and games that I want to dig into.
Under all the geek culture references was a truly engrossing story and adventure to make any reader excited.
I may be biased, but I truly believe this book deserves 5 stars.
I have to say there were times in the WOT series I was worried, but with the last two installments the series has really picked up. Towers of Midnight was a great read and I highly recommend it to other's who are fans of the Wheel of Time. Brandon Sanderson has done a great job picking up where RJ left off. Thank you Brandon and RIP Robert Jordan.
Although this book was not bad, for me it lacked a certain energy. At times it seemed to move slowly from one predictable plot point or relationship to the next with little breath-taking excitement I expected. Others could really enjoy this book, but for me it is a 2/5.
I am not sure i can find the words right now to describe how excited I was to finally read this book. I am in awe. Thank you Robert Jordan for getting us started on this journey and thank you Brandon Sanderson for bringing it to an amazing close.
I have to say this book was a quick read for me. That being said I gave it three stars, because it was an average Sci-fi novel. I enjoyed the content, but thought it was missing something. I am not sure what that is, but in the end it felt unfinished and incomplete. Although I hate to admit this, I was a little confused at the end and had to re-read it a couple of times to make sure it was truly the ending. I do recommend this book, but with the understanding that it is not the best that I have read. I do look forward to more from Yu.
I really enjoyed the early adventures of Han Solo. In this book you learn Han's background and how he became the heroic smuggler we all know and love.
Martin had me from page one with his second installment of ASOIAF. “A Clash of Kings” was packed with heart wrenching action from beginning to end. Martin managed to yet again leave me surprised with unforeseen plot turns and unpredictable characters. All of the plot twists were a well orchestrated crescendo that held me to until the pieces fell together. On to “A Storm of Swords”.
[b:The Hutt Gambit 598938 The Hutt Gambit (Star Wars The Han Solo Trilogy, #2) A.C. Crispin http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1176156137s/598938.jpg 1194985] was a fun read for anyone interested in the Star Wars universe. It was not a literary masterpiece, but it was a fun read. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about the history everyone's favorite smuggler Han Solo.
Once again, George R. R. Martin has taken me on a bloody, harsh, epic journey through Westeros. At first I thought this book was slow moving and drawn out, but quickly Martin turns the tide and sets you at a full sprint downhill. You begin to see the plans that were laid in the first 1/3 of the book come to fruition, every page turn making it that much harder to put the book down. I was once again surprised over and over. Some of these surprises made me angry while others made me very pleased. 5 Stars, Martin has done it again.
After listening to the audio book version of [b:Fahrenheit 451 4381 Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1298412440s/4381.jpg 1272463] I sat for a moment and thought. I looked around and wondered. What would the world be like if all the books were gone? How could we stand the deluge of media that consumed those in this Dystopian future and made them stop questioning the world around them?That was when I began to think about the world around us now, which is consumed in so much media. I hope we are not heading in the direction of this book because I could not imagine a world without everything that can be found in a book and through our imagination. Think of all that would be loss without philosophy, discussion, science, questions, and time to think.My only gripe is that I did not come to this book until after the death of its Author. Thank you Mr. Bradbury for helping us look beyond the pages of a book.
An easy to read primer for a beginning investor. It clears up confusion about the space and breaks down the terminology. I also love that it points you to resources to further your understanding and level up your investment strategy and goals.
Although I really enjoyed the end of this book, sadly it had to drop down to 3 stars from 4 because of the slow pace earlier in the book. I enjoy WOT for the journey, but there are point in the series that the pace really suffers.
I really wanted to like this book, but it was just all over the place. There was potential in some small scenes, but they were split by long poorly written sections.
A concise, thorough overview of the history and current state of Buddhism throughout the world. The writing was clear and the author did a great job explaining many of the aspects of the religion that I have found unclear in the past. This book also contained the most thorough explanation of the different sects of Buddhism I have seen so far.
The begining to a wonderful adventure that will keep you exited from start to finish. I highly recommend this book and the entire Wheel of Time series.
I listened to the Audio book for Red Rising and between an great story and a great reader I was wowed. This book made my long commute a little less long.
When I first listened to the audio book version of “A Game of Thrones” I put it down at a point that I think many people can identify without me spelling it out. I was to angry to continue reading, and I stuck with that notion determined to never read another book by Martin. Well a friend made a good point to me one day, when has any other book elicited such a strong true emotional reaction. When have I been that surprised at the events in a book.
This is why I finally re-read the book and finished it. Because in truth I really wanted to know more about the world and characters of the Seven kingdoms. That is also why I have given this story 5 stars. Martin will keep you on the edge of your seat with surprises from page one. Enjoy this book and check out the new HBO series, only after reading the book.
I really enjoyed “The Wise Man's Fear”. It has earned a five star rating in my opinion for great story telling and a different form of adventure than I have read before. It has also made me want to rethink the review I gave to the first book in the series due to a better understanding of what Rothfuss is trying to do within each book.
Rating aside there was an odd change of direction after Kvothe's time with Felorian. I am still now sure what I think of that entire 200+ page section. I still really enjoyed the book I am just not sure about the sudden focus shift.
Loved the material of this book and the articles separately were great, but they did not compile into a 4 or 5 star book. I did overall like what Neil deGrasse Tyson had to say.
Of all the books in ASOIAF series by George R. R. Martin, “A Feast For Crows” seemed to me to be exactly what Martin describes it as, half a book. It did not pull me in like the previous 3 books did and there were many times when I was almost bored. I am still looking forward to the next book though.
As far as biographies go this book tops the list of what I have read. That list is still fairly short, but I really thought Isaacson did a wonderful job pulling the reader into the chaotic world of Steve Jobs and keeping their attention until the end. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in technology, the history of technology, Apple, great innovation and business, or just looking for a great read. Job's was not a nice person, but he was definitely one of the great innovators of our history.
From the beginning of the war to the appointment of General Washington as the Commander in Chief, through Washington's defeats and limited victories I was unable to put this book down. “1776” made Washington more real than he has ever seemed to me. Taking the legend of Washington and showing his humanity, his weaknesses and his strengths, made me realize how great a man he truly was. To see a leader so connected to a cause that he never gives up, even when all odds are against him and retreat and surrender seem to be his only options.
We all know how this story ends, but I am amazed at how little we truly know of the beginning and middle. A must read for anyone in leadership, as well as anyone interested in American or Military History. I now see why it was on the Chief of Staff of the Army's reading list.