69 Books
See allThis is one of the worst books I've ever read. Ava is insufferable, high-maintenance Barbie who doesn't wear jeans. She is also an interior designer and that's why on every other page we have unnecessary depictions of rooms. Who fucking cares? On the other hand, Caleb is an insufferable dickhead who looks good but has a personality of a trash bag. And they repeatedly have sex, but those scenes are pretty cringy even though the author tries to assure us that sex is epic. Every character is one dimensional. The writing style is beyond annoying, English is not my first language but I was rolling my eyes every time I saw “tae” and “dinnae”, its completely unnecessary and tedious.
Everything about this was a utter and complete garbage. I hate myself for reading this.
nisam očekivala da ću se rasplakati ponedeljkom uz jutarnju kafu, ali tako je kako je. i ja sam malo bila željko nekada.
Počela sam knjigu juče u vreme fudbalskog derbija, negde oko 18:30, završila sam je u 00:45 i što bi rekli mladi jako me je lepo vozila. Savršeno štivo za izlazak iz čitalačke krize, nepretenciozno, a opet zalazi u bitne teme poput ženskog prijateljstva, generacijske traume, nasleđa ratova i sl.Detektivka Lepa nije Hari Hule, ali i ne mora da bude, možda je misterija na kraju prelako razrešena, ali meni nije smetalo i nije mi pokvaren kompletan utisak koji je knjiga ostavila. Radujem se budućim Mirjaninim knjigama.